• Businesses can now remotely fill out and pay for their 2021 Business License. Go Here for the link to the form and to pay online. Check/Money Order also can be mailed to the Town Assessor’s Office at 230 Main Street, Suite 109, or dropped off in the brown “Town Business” drop box in the Municipal Center parking lot. The annual fee is $50.
• Both the Men’s and Women’s Basketball Leagues have voted not to move forward with league play this winter. However, Men’s and Women’s Adult Basketball Open Gym & Pickup Games will be offered at the Gibson Aiken Center located at 207 Main Street. This program is by donation and will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 7pm-8:30pm, beginning immediately. Please note that this program is for men and women who are 18 years old and older and all participants must be out of high school. To participate on any specific evening, arrive between 7pm and 7:15pm. No one will be admitted after 7:15pm. Due to COVID-19:
➢ All participants MUST wear masks at all times.
➢ All participants will be screened for COVID-19 upon arrival.
➢ All Participants must sign in daily with staff and provide their name and phone number.
➢ All participants must complete a registration form and COVID-19 Release waiver.
(Both documents can be found online at www.brattleboro.org.)
➢ If you are not a Vermont Resident and wish to participate, you must reside in a “green county” according to the State of Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development Cross State Travel Information map. This map can be found at: https://accd.vermont.gov/covid-19/restart/cross-state-travel and is updated weekly. Please note that this may mean that participants may not be able to participate weekly based on their county color if they reside in a State other than Vermont.
➢ Only players will be admitted; no spectators or fans will be permitted.
• The Nelson Withington Skating Facility is scheduled to open for the season on Saturday November 21.
Next week there will be further information on COVID-19 related restrictions at the rink, the revised public skating schedule for this winter, and instructions for how to reserve your skating slot online.
• The Selectboard will meet on Tuesday, November 10, at 28 Vernon Street (outdoors), beginning at 12noon, for a site visit related to the potential taking of land for the new bridge to Hinsdale, NH.
The site visit will move from 28 Vernon Street to 12 Left Bank Way (outdoors), and then will conclude. At 6:15pm the Selectboard will conduct a public hearing related to this matter on Zoom.
Here is how the public can watch and/or participate in the public hearings that will begin at 6:15pm:
Join the meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86067892659
You also can call in using your telephone by dialing any of these toll-free numbers in the United States:
or you can access a list of non-toll-free numbers
for locations around the world using this link:
The “Meeting ID” for this meeting is: 860 6789 2659
The Passcode for this meeting is: 12261753
The meeting will be carried live on BCTV:
On Cable TV: Channel 1085 or Channel 10
Streaming Online: https://www.brattleborotv.org/channel-10-stream
Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/brattleborotv/
Here is a link to the agenda and backup materials for the November 10 Selectboard site visits and public hearing:
https://www.brattleboro.org/vertical/sites/%7BFABA8FB3-EBD9-4E2C-91F9- C74DE6CECDFD%7D/uploads/11-10-20_Materials_-_Special.pdf