It’s summer. It’s Brattleboro. Time to list the little things that grab your attention and share them with others.
- Parklets are being set-up for some restaurants in town to serve outdoors. Cement barriers have been dropped in parking spaces to mark boundaries.
Pay the artists to paint the barriers
How about paying artists to paint the barriers. The town gave $45 k to downtown business owners, why can’t they pay artists from that fund?
I notice over 1000 people have looked at this and no one has anything to add… : )
Surveying along RT 30…
New construction at former North End Market
Not quite Brattleboro, but...
Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested by the FBI in Bradford, NH, a little town about 90 minutes from Brattleboro. Bradford is near Sunapee, between Newport and Henniker on RT 103.
Maxwell is being charged with a number of crimes associated with her time with Jeffery Epstein.
Considering all of the places she had to hide out in the world, it turns out she was within a short drive of Brattleboro.
(I’ve noticed quite a few things around Brattleboro, but I leave them to you to write about. It’s boring if I do it all.)
Except for this one – explosions!
Explosions were heard around Brattleboro on Tuesday evening – in West B and downtown. Police are investigating. If you have information, contact them.
Starting to see some fall color on a few ‘traitor trees’ as I historically call them.
Some construction going on at Ramunto’s on Putney Road. Extending the kitchen? Anyone know?
One Hint
There is a new sign near the Retreat meadows/West River… hmm… what could it be?
Another hint
A long-time store sign is no longer hanging on a wall. It used to be seen from the High Street lot. What was it?
Another hint
There is a major protest calling for the removal of the head of a local operation. They have signs and a website. What is it, and why?
Are these three different questions?
1. Wantastegok sign?
2. I don’t know-another hint?
3. Brattleboro Retreat, fire Meghan Baston?
yes, (maybe), yes
#2 hint – there was a big sign hanging there for years, promoting a color/celestial body.
The moon...
Silver Moon.
Thankfully it's quieter these days
Probably jinxing myself, but the explosions and fireworks seemed to have ceased down by me (Frost St area).
Seeing some more color in the trees.