The Town of Brattleboro will resume Parking Enforcement operations on July 1, 2020. Parking meters and kiosks will once again require payment for parking in the downtown. This includes all regulated surface parking lots and all on-street metered parking spaces.
Parking enforcement was halted on March 17, in response to Covid-19. Now that Vermont is beginning to reopen for business, it is time to resume regular parking enforcement activities. To protect the public health, all meter and kiosk push buttons will receive a regular wipe down two times each day, Monday through Saturday, to disinfect the frequently touched surfaces.
Permits purchased for the fourth quarter of FY2020 (April-May-June) will be honored for the first quarter of FY2021 (July-August-September). Questions about specific permits, citations, appeals, etc., should be directed to Parking Enforcement Coordinator Carol Coulombe at 257-2305. The Parking Enforcement Office at 77 Flat Street will reopen and begin addressing individual concerns on June 29, 2020.
Please direct all general questions or concerns to Assistant Town Manager Patrick Moreland at 251- 8101. Thank you.