This has been a very difficult winter for many roadways in Brattleboro. We have experienced multiple freeze/thaw cycles that have deteriorated the roadways and made maintenance a challenge. Potholes are formed when the road surface fails, introducing water into the roadway which weakens the soil beneath the pavement. Traffic applies loads to the roadway that stress the pavement past the breaking point.
The Highway Department monitors all of the roadways in town and work orders are issued when we identify or receive reports of potholes. The town has a responsibility to protect public safety and make every attempt to patch and repair the holes in the roadways. Last week crews used 15 tons of patching material to fix the largest potholes.
While the Department of Public Works is doing everything possible to repair potholes as soon as they are identified, drivers are advised to use caution while driving.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Department of Public Works at 254-4255.
Department of Public Works
potholes causing potholes?
It seems to me that there is a negative feedback loop going on with potholes in Brattleboro.
The roads are poor to begin with, so they get damaged as described. The hot mix seems to add more little bumpy stone-like particles that get swished around and dig more holes. Then more hot mix, then more potholes. Lather, rinse, repeat…