The Brattleboro Energy Committee will hold a special meeting on Thursday, February 14, 2019, at 5:00pm in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.
The Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, February 14, 2019, at 5:30pm in the Cusick Conference Room (2ndfloor) at the Windham Regional Career Center (80 Atwood Street).
NOTE: The meeting of the Brattleboro Tree Advisory Committee that was previously scheduled on February 12 has been CANCELLED. The next meeting is scheduled on March 12 at 6:30pm at the Brooks Memorial Library.
Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
230 Main Street, Suite 208
Brattleboro, VT 05301
(802) 251-8100
Brattleboro Energy Committee
Thursday February 14, 2019
5:00 PM
Hanna Cosman Room Brattleboro Municipal Center
A Introductions and announcements 5∫00 PM
B Approve January 14 minutes 5∫15 PM
C Vote on amended bylaws 5∫20 PM
D Brainstorming ideas for the coming year 5∫25 PM
E Public participation 6∫15 PM
Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Finance Committee
Thursday, February 14, 2019
5:30 p.m.
Cusick Conference Room, 2nd floor
Windham Regional Career Center
80 Atwood Street, Brattleboro
1. Call to order/Review agenda.
2. Minutes of January 3 and February 7, 2019 meeting.
3. Review meeting schedule
4. Continue discussion, possible vote – Proposed 1% local option sales tax
5. Approve committee reports.
a. Municipal budget for FY 2020.
b. Town school expenditures for FY 2020.
c. BUHS expenditures for FY 2020.
7. Other business.
8. Adjournment.