Brattleboro Reminds Residents to Keep All Sidewalks Clear

The Town of Brattleboro reminds all property owners, residents, and business operators to keep sidewalks clear and free from any obstructions. This is necessary to maintain open and safe use of all sidewalks by all people, and it is especially important for people using wheelchairs, walkers, or strollers.

Town ordinances require that owners keep vegetation from encroaching on or over sidewalks. Residents also are required to keep garbage cans, recycling bins, and compost containers off of sidewalks and to bring those items back onto their property (away from curb) after Triple-T has collected the contents at curbside.

The Town encourages everyone to practice the same level of courtesy regarding all other items that might block a sidewalk. If we all make a conscious effort to keep the sidewalks open for everyone to use, our whole community will benefit from being safer and more walkable.

The Traffic Safety Committee recently reviewed the question of sidewalk accessibility. At future meetings, the committee will consider the condition assessment that is currently being finalized by the Department of Public Works for all Town sidewalks, and will give additional consideration to Town regulations and services that are intended to keep sidewalks free, clear, safe, and usable by all people in Brattleboro.

Town Manager’s Office
230 Main Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301
(802) 251-8151
FAX (802) 257-2322

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