The Brattleboro Water Department’s annual Water Quality Report for 2016 is now available on-line at Printed copies can be obtained at the Town of Brattleboro’s Municipal Center, in the offices of the Treasurer and the Town Clerk, at the Department of Public Works on Fairground Road, and the Brooks Memorial Library on Main Street.
Cheryl (Petrin) Dyer
Office Manager
Dept of Public Works
Town of Brattleboro
fax 802-257-2316
“To ensure that your water is safe to drink”
Soon after rising each morning I drink a full glass of room temperature tap water. As a lifelong copious tap water drinker I’m glad to know the town and state protect our Public Community Water Systems.
PDF Report
The State of Vermont Water Supply Rule requires Public Community Water Systems to develop a Source Protection Plan. This plan delineates a source protection area for our system and identifies potential and actual sources of contamination. Please contact us if you are interested in reviewing the plan. Drinking Water Contaminants The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include surface water (streams, lakes) and ground water (wells, springs). As water travels over the land’s surface or through the ground, it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals. It also picks up substances resulting from the presence of animals and human activity. Some “contaminants” may be harmful. Others, such as iron and sulfur, are not harmful. Public water systems treat water to remove contaminants, if any are present. In order to ensure that your water is safe to drink, we test it regularly according to regulations established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Vermont. These regulations limit the amount of various contaminants… Full Text: