Noticed Around Brattleboro – Spring 2017 Edition

Time once again for you to point out the little changes you see in your neighborhood and around town. Here are a few:

– First Baptist Church will have living spaces above, a concert hall below, and meeting space in the back.

– NECCA’s new building on Putney Road look almost finished. I like the way the dip in the roof slightly suggests a tent shape.

– Tavernier Chocolates is doing an impressive promotion, putting golden tickets in chocolate bars a la Willy Wonka. The special bars have a Wonk-ish design, and the golden tickets might get you an oompa loompa. Or a gift certificate. More likely the gift certificate, the more I think about it.

– New West B Fire Station is open. Central Fire downtown is being expanded. 

Comments | 19

  • A Distinct Lack

    . . . of the genus AvimimusSaltopus also seem to be in super short supply this spring.  In fact, nobody I’ve talked to who pays serious attention to migratory patterns has seen a single species in the entire Saurischia taxonomic order this year.  At least not a live one.  I don’t know if it’s climate change, loss of habitat in their wintering territory or poaching, but this is really scary. 

  • Firehouse

    The new firehouse addition is coming along. Structural steel is almost complete, and masons are laying concrete block.
    Auxiliary equipment for HVAC is already on the roof.

    • Must be Firehouse Season

      Dummerston Center is also building a new firehouse. Demolition was very fast (rumor has it some interesting vintage beer bottles were found in the walls), blasting is expanding the footprint of the future foundation.

  • a few more

    This one is sort of a rumor, but a preliminary plan for the Municipal Center might be to put the State offices on the upper two floors, and local offices on the first floor and renovated basement.

    NECCA landscaping going on at new building.

    New mexican restaurant at Elliot/Harmony Lot.

    Peter Havens expanding and Jasmine’s Bakery on the way.

    • Where is Jasmine's Bakery

      Where is Jasmine’s Bakery going to be? The same one that has been at the North End Butchers? BEST cupcakes anywhere around!

      • Cupcakes!

        Same one… next to Brattleboro Books on Elliot.

        • This makes me happy! Be nice

          This makes me happy! Be nice to have an actual bakery downtown- Amy’s stuff is great but it will be good to have choices. Elliot Street is becoming a little food mecca for the town! Nice variety of restaurants there.

  • May Flowers

    Our flowering trees are bursting forth with white or pink blossoms.
    Unfortunately, they only last for a little while.

  • Estey paving

    A substantial portion of the Estey complex parking area is going to be smoothed and paved. Good news for anyone who goes there.

    (And yes- great flower season this year… I hope people share some photos)

  • False Morels

    False Morel, photo by Jenny Dunklee

  • Red cardinal

    A crested, black face masked, yellow beaked eight inch tall vibrant crimson Northern Cardinal is always a sight to see, especially right outside of my window.

  • stripes

    Looks like line striping of the roads has begun. The dismantling of the old !-91 bridge is underway.

    The unusually cool, cloudy spring has preserved a lot of the spring flowers around town. They seem to be holding up nicely.

  • Hummingbirds are back

    Vying with bumblebees for space on the rhododendron flowers. Just put the hummingbird feeder out for the first time, and 2 ruby-throated males have been heatedly competing for territory and the attentions of the females (who are making a show of studiously ignoring them).

  • More pesky trees removed

    Some more of those really annoying large, old shade trees have been taken down on Western Ave, near the I-91 ramps. At the formerly-nice brick home with the caving in front wall.

    There are still a few big, old shade trees left in Brattleboro. Hopefully they will be removed soon as not to bother humans any longer.

  • Last Big Mac for a While (for those who eat such things)

    McDonalds on Putney Road will be closing this Monday evening 5/29; demolition starts right away, and sometime later in the summer there will be a completely new McDonalds.

    A number of employees are being given temporary positions in the Keene store.

    • Bank for sale

      And TD Bank on Putney RD is for sale.

      We should buy it and turn it into a Fotomat. : )

    • Friendly's Building for Sale too

      Since O’Reilly Auto Parts purchased the Friendly’s property but then merged with Bond Auto Parts and will stay in the current Bond location. Maybe someone should rejuvenate that controversial (but needed) idea of a truck stop, since so many trucks are using it as a parking space anyway. Safer than pulling off on the roadsides, anyway.

  • Treadmills!

    Exercise equipment store near West River Bridge seems to have opened up.

    Also noticed that Blue Moose gifts (Flat St) seems to be closed/gone.

  • Downtown improvement

    Scaffolding is being put up around a building on Elliot Street. It’s the one with the row of stores – flowers, ice cream, etc.

    Lots of people on the street were watching the scaffold being put together, and speculating about the work to be done. Something on the roof? The entire exterior getting a face-lift?

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