The next monthly meeting of the West Brattleboro Association (WBA) will be held on Thursday, October 13th at 6:00 PM at the Hayes Court Community Room on Garfield Drive.
After a review of the treasury report and recent chicken barbecue, members of the association will get and give updates on various topics including the status of the welcome letter initiative, the Neighborhoods Fund progress, and recent economic development which includes a report on BizUp and West B commercial spaces.
Notification of hearings to abutters, an ongoing issue, with be taken up at the Association’s meeting on November 10th.
For the past number of years, the WBA has planned a Holiday Party in December and so this, too, will be discussed at this month’s meeting.
The purpose of the Association is to promote the thoughtful and effective evolution of the community of West Brattleboro as a place that is safe, healthy, attractive, and prosperous and also to help West B residents be informed Brattleboro community members. WBA monthly meetings are open to all residents and business owners, and anyone else interested in West B.