The next monthly meeting of the West Brattleboro Association (WBA) will be held on Thursday, September
15th at 6:00 PM in the Community Room at Hayes Court on Garfield Drive.
After a review of the treasury report there will be an update on several agenda items and information on the upcoming BizUp event to be held on September 27th at the ‘new’ New England Country Deli Market out on Marlboro Road.
A final decision will be made on whether to hold a Chicken BBQ over the Columbus Day weekend. The event is usually held on a Saturday morning – going through till the chicken and fixin’s are gone (usually in the early afternoon). It is held in front of the First Congregational Church on Western Avenue.
The WBA was pleased to accept a $2,000 grant from the Thompson Trust for the Neighborhoods Fund and an
update on this program will be delivered.
Another item on the agenda is the effort to attract commercial tenants for West B vacant buildings and spaces. The group will also further discuss next steps in relation to its letter regarding notification of hearings to abutters when the abutting property is owned by a co-operative or collective.
Plans are also afoot to continue the cinema series which is scheduled throughout September. The movie on September 10th is a ‘cycle cinema’, September 17th is ‘circus cinema’, and September 24th is ‘insect cinema’. Watch for further information about the venue now that construction of the new West B Fire House has commenced.
The WBA monthly meetings are usually on the second Thursday, though this one is an exception. Hence, the
next regularly scheduled meeting of the group is Thursday, October 13th, venue to be announced.
The purpose of the Association is to promote the thoughtful and effective evolution of the community of West Brattleboro as a place that is safe, healthy, attractive, and prosperous and also to help West B residents be informed Brattleboro community members. WBA monthly meetings are open to all residents and business owners, and anyone else interested in West B.