The 2016 General Election polling place will be moving to a different location. Voting on Election Day, November 8th, will take place at VFW Carl Dessaint Post 1034 on Black Mountain Road. The Brattleboro Board of Civil Authority, which has jurisdiction over polling places reluctantly made this decision earlier this year. “We considered a number of factors including accessibility, traffic congestion, cost, and parking before selecting the VFW for our polling place, “ according to Elliott Greenblott, Chairman of the Board of Civil Authority.
The Presidential Election voting was held at Brattleboro Union High School but a combination of factors including the rental fee charged by the school, limited parking, traffic congestion, and the fact that school is in session combined to make the location less attractive. “BUHS is a fine site in itself,” said Greenblott, “but it has been challenging in recent elections. The heavy volume of traffic, limited parking, school activity, and cost are big concerns. Many have asked me why we have to pay to use ‘our’ high school. The reality is that BUHS is a separate political unit owned by the member towns of the high school district, not Brattleboro alone.”
Greenblott added that voting at the Brattleboro Municipal Building would not be possible on November 8th. “We experience heavy voter turnout at the polls when there is a presidential election. This year, that is magnified by the fact that we have an open Gubernatorial race. Even on low turnout days like Town Meeting Day voters who drive to the polls find severely limited parking. Handicapped and limited mobility voters have some real challenges making their way to the second floor.” The VFW provides ample parking, single-level access, and a large open space to conduct voting.
Annette Cappy, Brattleboro Town Clerk, added “This location will provide voters with the best possible experience at the polls.” Town bus service is going to be free for those needing it. Local organizations and businesses are being contacted to provide transportation at no cost to voters. “We realize that there will be inconvenience to some voters, particularly those who walk to the polls. Our strongest recommendation is to take the opportunity provided by early voting. All voters can request to have ballots mailed to them. In addition, anyone can come to the Municipal Building and vote in advance of Election Day. We really encourage voters to take advantage of this opportunity.” Cappy continued “While we know many feel that voting on Election Day is something ‘sacred,’ time can be a limiting concern when voting takes place on a work day. You can avoid frustration and perform your civic responsibility by voting early”
Both Cappy and Greenblott noted that the change in polling place is considered a one-time action to allow for the needs of the General Election this year. Future voting will likely return to the Brattleboro Municipal Building on Main Street. Voters with questions about the polling place or Absentee voting should contact the Brattleboro Town Clerk’s Office by phone or eMail (802-251-8157 or or in person.
I almost went there last week...
Seems like a perfectly good location for the Fall elections, and could become a regular go-to spot for future voting where large turnouts might be expected. Let’s see how it goes!
Q – was the downtown VFW considered?
The early voting guidelines
This is the first election (primary) where I voted on an election day. Previously, I exercised the early voting guidelines. I prefer to just walk in the day of my choosing to vote. The location and space size is less important to me than being able to vote early.
The high school used to be the voting location. Compared to the VFW, I’d prefer the high school location again. Voting at the VFW is like voting in a church, it’s too sectarian.
However, I’m not planning to vote again on any election day and will return to voting early.
Question About the Downtown VFW
I’m guessing that you mean the American Legion. Yes, it was considered as a polling place. There were a some negative issues regarding the the General Election voting being held there do to an anticipated high voter turnout. First, there is limited parking available. A number of the spaces are taken by the State employees working next door (election day is not a Vermont holiday). Even without that, there are fewer spaces available. Secondly, the floor space is smaller than what is available at the VFW. Probably the biggest issue is the traffic. The American Legion is located on Linden Street. This is one way traffic and is already showing significant congestion at different times of day.
Once again, for those who feel the VFW is inconvenient or too far to walk, early voting in person or by absentee ballot can occur beginning on September 23rd.
Oops. Yes, the American Legion.
I was just curious, and figured people in the downtown area might wonder as well.
Voting early is an easy option, and driving to one end of the town isn’t that different from driving to the other end to vote in person.
I think an experiment whereby ballots are mailed to all registered voters with a postage paid return envelope might get the highest “turnout” ever. Especially if volunteers called to follow up and remind people to return their ballots.