On July 11th Brattleboro curbside trash-recycling-compost pick up with transition.
While recycling and compost will continue to be picked up every week, trash will be picked up every-other-week!
Trash will be picked up on an “A” – “B” alternating weekly schedule. To find out whether your street is and “A” or “B” street consult the town-wide mailing you received about a month ago or go to the town website (www.brattleboro.org) and click on “Bi-weekly trash pickup information” under “NEWS” on the right hand side of the Home Page. Then click on “List of A/B Streets.” Or you can call the town at 251-8103.
If you want to find strategies to reduce your trash volume and save money on PAYT trash bags watch this BCTV video on You Tube…..here is the link…..
If you want to purchase a curbside town compost cart you can go to the Finance Dept. at the town Municipal Center at 230 Main St. Carts are just $10 each through the end of July and then the cost will increase to $20 each. Optional telescoping handles are available for an additional $6.
The sweet smell of summer
How perfect that this is beginning during the hottest time of the year.Another example of how the town refuses to address the issue of the residents who are not able to compost due to lack of space or physical issues. But, what’s better in summer than the stench of trash and maggot filled barrels on a hot day?
You gotta rob Peter to pay Paul
Even in a small town like Brattleboro, I’ve known the trash pickups to be weekly. Always.
What prompted the change to a lengthy every two weeks might be related to attempts to save or make cuts in a town that is clearly overextended in very large, expensive and longterm expenditure scenarios in other municipal sectors.
You gotta rob Peter to pay Paul.
Though this new policy is a cut in services
my own preference is that trash pickups be eliminated altogether. This means we would assume responsibility for any trash we garnered. This responsibility should not just be taken by individuals, absolutely not. It should also be taken by corporations so that any packaging they sell with their products would be returned to their store for them to dispose of themselves. When I buy a lettuce, I don’t want the plastic it comes in. That goes for everything else that is excessively packaged.
Consumers need to take the packaging refuse back to the store they bought it from or deal with it themselves. It is wrong to just throw it out for someone else to take care of. Don’t expect our “representatives” to give a hoot about it either – they are stuck in a holding pattern they cannot see their way out of. All they do is cut services and come up with more ways to fleece the residents and the public.
If we eliminated all trash pick ups, we would seriously think about everything we bought. Currently we shift responsibility to someone else and ultimately, the environment – which belongs to everyone – suffers greatly, just so lazy people can have their “convenience”. And how about stopping the disgusting habit of purchasing plastic water bottles and getting something durable and non-disposable to store your water in? This is not a difficult thing to do. If you’re still buying plastic water bottles then shame on you. You are polluting the earth we all live in. It is well past time to have serious, sensible and meaningful policies towards trash that we should all have input on, not just the stagnant “representatives” with their lame and myopic policies.
Do you think about your ideas
Do you think about your ideas very much? Why are you complaining about this in particular, you don’t even live in Brattleboro? (And as a budget hawk I’m glad to see this cut go through, significant savings for smallish sacrifice)
We aren’t “throwing it out for someone else to take care of”. We pay money to have it transported and disposed of via taxes, or for those of us who transport it ourselves, we pay money directly to the facility that takes it for disposal.
How much more fuel and time will be used by individuals transporting individual pieces of garbage to multiple separate locations? That will also require one keep multiple piles of garbage around their house, sorted by what location they came from until they are able to make the trip back to that location.
You’d essentially be doing your errands twice. While you obviously have an abundance of free time, most folks have better things to do then chauffeur a piece of plastic packaging to a specific store, essentially doing their errands in reverse.
The extra fuel costs alone make that a ridiculous idea. Not to mention the increase in traffic and the whole domino effect down the line.
It is *far* more efficient to collect all our garbage in one place, and then transport it in bulk to ONE central location for a given area.
Besides, what do you think the stores are gonna do with it? Right, they are going to throw it out.