Time for another edition of Noticed Around Brattleboro, where you can add the little (or big) things you’ve noticed recently in and around town.
I’ll get us started with an observation or two:
– Fast Eddies has re-opened on Putney Road.
– Top of the Hill Grill is now open for the season.
Add your local observations.
Renovations at the Country Club…
Parking barricades at ski jump
The wooden barricades have been replaced with bright orange plastic netting and new signs.
On the wing
A lot of red breasted robins and blue jays.
Heard, but not seen one woodpecker.
We haven’t had peepers since Irene, so our major first sign is the skunk population. This year we have a family of almost all-white, with just some black streaks. Mama is rather big, with 4 babies who don’t venture far from home under our front walkway.
There have been wasps and happily some dumbledores, going for the hyacinths and bleeding hearts. But so far none of the hummingbirds we had before a certain person moved here and has let her cats out. The bird population has decreased since her tenancy, as have the squirrel and chipmunk appearances.
Stone Church on Main Street getting interior remodeling.
Spring is "Kitten Season" and
Spring is “Kitten Season” and sadly one of the first signs of Spring we see here in my neighborhood is an increase in feral cats and kittens. We always have quite a few wandering around- looking for a sunny porch to nap on but the past 2 weeks there are lots of very thin and bedraggled looking Mama cats tending to their litters. Less than half of these kittens will survive even though some of us do our best to capture them along with their Moms and get them to the shelter. Please be responsible and spay and neuter your animals, people. You aren’t do them any favors by letting them continue to breed.
Red Clover Commons
Red Clover Commons is taking form near the high school. The exterior is in place enough to see how big the place will look in comparison to the buildings around it.
Seems like they nailed the scale quite well.
New smoking paraphernalia store on Main Street.
New used-items store on Main Street.
Maple Leaf Music gone.
Black Mtn Traders shutting down.
New wall in Harmony Lot.
Post Office Guy
He seems to be branching out, venturing farther up and down Main Street instead of his usual limited route.
I scream
New ice cream shop going in where Maple Leaf Music used to be.
Two New Food Places
Elliot Street has welcomed a couple of new eateries: the Brattleboro branch of the Blueberry Haus- the very popular ice cream stand in Guilford and a new sandwich shop/cafe- Graffiti Sandwich. The ice cream shop is part of a larger gift/clothing shop where Mapleleaf Music used to be.