With the water mains being flushed, I thought it might be fun to get some background information on why we do it and how it gets done. I sent some questions to Director of Public Works Steve Barrett and have the following to share with you.
– What’s the goal of the water main flushing?
The water entering our mains after treatment is of a very high quality, however, over time sediments can build up in the pipes; particularly if the water is slow moving.
If left alone – this could result in customers occasionally receiving discolored water, particularly if there has been a surge in the flow (perhaps because of fire-fighting or a burst water main). Too much sediment can also affect the taste, clarity and color of water. We also operate every hydrant in town to verify they are in good working order. Water valves are also operated & exercised to direct the water flow and ensure they are working properly.
– What sort of equipment is used?
The crews use an assortment of special fittings that attach to hydrants to direct and defuse the water flow.
– What’s the process? (It looks like you might be working at multiple drains on the same line at the same time?)
We have water mains that range in size from 16″ to 4″. We have procedure to close valves and direct the water flow for each water main. The water must flow over 3 feet per second to provide scouring velocity to clean the water main. We flow up to 1890 gallons per minute on a 16 inch pipe! Multiple hydrants are operated at the same time.
– How do you know when it has been properly flushed?
Water samples are taken to determine clarity during the flushing process.
– Do you always have access to fire hydrants for water?
Hydrants are used to flush most of the water system but we also have some ” flushing connections” that can be used to flow water on mains that don’t have hydrants.
– Anything else for DPW geeks to know?
Customers are asked to check the flushing schedule closely as flushing may cause discoloration , low water or intervals of no water. After we have flushed the water main in your area, operate a cold water faucet to ensure the water is clear. And thank you for getting the word out!!
Here is the schedule for the 2016 Water Main Flushing in Brattleboro.
Photo courtsey of Brattleboro DPW.
16 footers!
Wow, 16 foot diameter water main in Brattleboro!
Eat your heart out, nYc!!!
Oops. Typo.
My error… a missing quote. 16 inches… : )