The Brattleboro Citizen Police Communications Committee (CPCC) will meet on Monday, April 25, 2016 at 5:30pm at Brooks Memorial Library in the community room.
The Brattleboro Police-Fire Facilities Building Committee will meet on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at 4:00pm in the Selectboard meeting room at the Municipal Center.
Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100
CPCC Agenda
April 25, 2016
5:30 pm, Brooks Memorial Library Meeting Room
1. Call to order and quorum check
2. Agenda review
3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting
4. Complaints/Compliments report
5. New Business:
a. Review select police policies/procedures
b. Resolved complaints follow up
6. Old business:
a. Compliment form
b. Verbal complaints
7. Public participation
Police-Fire Facilities Building Committee
Wednesday, April 27, 2016 – 4:00pm
Selectboard Meeting Room, Municipal Center
The Committee’s charge, as adopted by the Selectboard on April 5, 2016:
Acting in an advisory capacity to the Selectboard and the Town Manager, the Police-Fire Facilities Building Committee will provide financial and technical oversight to the Police-Fire Facilities Capital Improvement Project. That project includes the following 3 components:
(1) reconstruction and expansion of the Central Fire Station, (2) replacement of the West
Brattleboro Fire Station, and (3) renovation of 62 Black Mountain Road as the new location
of the Police Station.
Committee Members:
Robin Sweetapple, Co-Chair
Steve Phillips, Co-Chair
John Allen, Selectboard Liaison
Phillip Chapman
Kathy Dowd
David Emery, Sr.
Eli Gould
Prudence MacKinney
(One vacancy to be filled at the May 3 Selectboard meeting.)
A. Call to Order (Sweetapple or Phillips)
B. Confirm Meeting was Officially Warned & Quorum is Present (Town Manager Peter Elwell)
C. Welcome Back (Elwell) and Introductions (All)
D. Review Open Meeting Law and Other Logistical Matters (Elwell)
E. Confirmation of Co-Chairs and Election of Clerk (Elwell)
F. Approve Minutes – January 28, 2015 (Committee)
G. Status Report re: Acquisition of 62 Black Mountain Road (Elwell)
H. Project Schedule (Owner’s Project Manager Steve Horton)
I. West Brattleboro Fire Station
1. Introduction to Today’s Topics (Elwell)
2. West Brattleboro Association’s Letter re: Design and Use Considerations
(West Brattleboro Association President Michael Bosworth)
3. Future of the Existing Station and Relationship to the New Site Plan (Horton)
J. Future Meetings
1. Frequency
2. Locations(s)
K. Adjourn
haven't seen one of their agendas in a while
The Police and Fire Committee is back on the job.
(From the back seat) Is it done yet?