Richard DeGray will once again bring his special grace to the Brattleboro Selectboard. The Brattleboro Reformer reports a hand count of ballots has flipped the election results, giving DeGray one additional vote and diminishing Avery Schwenk’s count by 8.
Previously it was reported that Schwenk had won by a single vote: 1,505 to 1,504. The new count is 1,505 for DeGray to 1,497 for Schenk: A virtual landside for the popular former Selectboard Chair.
...reported DeGray as saying
I couldn’t quite tell if your statement about DeGray’s new vote count: “A virtual landside for the popular former Selectboard Chair” was tongue-in-cheek or not. Of course, Mark Twain is famous for his humor….
The Reformer also reported DeGray as saying “…he was motivated to run again for the Select Board mainly out of concern for the town’s aging police and fire facilities…the reality is the procrastination means we are getting less of a product the longer this goes on.”
After what, 20 years now, that the police facilities has needed to upgrade their facilities, that Avery Schwenk couldn’t have helped to speed up that procrastination, or helped to ensure that we’re not “getting less of a product the longer this goes on..?”
On the other hand, if DeGray really felt, as he is quoted, that “We need younger people stepping up and being active participants in the community” then the original count in Schwenk’s favor would have been an ideal time for DeGray to prove his desire that “more younger people will participate” in the electoral processes.
Like it or not...
the majority wins. I am no fan of Richard DeGray, and would love to not see him in any position of authority. But the decision belongs to the voters: not you, not me, not DeGray.
No sh*t
I guess at my age I have some familiarity with the “majority wins” idea, and, that “the decision belongs to the voters” and not to me.
Of course, I can’t speak for you or DeGray…
Also my comments are not meant to be taken as emotional, so I would neither like it nor not like it. And, unlike you, I don’t know DeGrey well enough to feel so strongly as to say I “would love to not see him in any position of authority.”
comments not emotional?
… of course not!