March will be a very busy month in Brattleboro with presidential primary elections, two Representative Town Meetings, two informational meetings, and changes in the Selectboard’s schedule. In order to make the schedule clear for the public, attached are copies of the March meetings – in chronological order and by category.
Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100
Elections, Selectboard, Informational and Representative Town Meetings
March, 2016 (in chronological order)
Day/Date Type and Time of Meeting Location
Tues, 3/1 Elections (Presidential Primary Town Meeting Day)
Selectboard Room
Polls open from 7:00am to 7:00pm Municipal Center
Wed, 3/2 Informational meeting (for Special Representative Town Meeting)
Academy School
6:00pm doors open Gymnasium
6:30pm caucuses
7:00pm meeting
Tues, 3/8 Regular Selectboard meeting
Selectboard room
6:15pm Municipal Center
Wed, 3/9 Informational Meeting (for Annual Representative Town Meeting)
Academy School
6:00pm doors open Gymnasium
6:30pm caucuses
7:00pm meeting
Sat, 3/12 Special Representative Town Meeting
8:30am Multipurpose Room
Tues, 3/15 Regular Selectboard meeting
Selectboard Room
6:15pm Municipal Center
Sat, 3/19 Annual Representative Town Meeting
8:30am Multipurpose Room
Wed, 3/30 Special Selectboard organizational meeting
Selectboard room
Time TBD Municipal Center
Elections, Selectboard, Informational and Representative Town Meetings
March, 2016 (by category)
Elections (Presidential Primary Town Meeting Day)
Tues, 3/1 Selectboard room at Municipal Center (All Districts)
Polls open from 7:00am to 7:00pm
Police-Fire Facilities Upgrade Project (Special Representative Town Meeting)
Wed, 3/2 Informational meeting at Academy School (gymnasium)
6:00pm doors open
6:30pm caucuses
7:00pm meeting
Sat, 3/12 Special Representative Town Meeting at Brattleboro Area Middle School (multipurpose room)
Annual Representative Town Meeting
Wed, 3/9 Informational Meeting at Academy School (gymnasium)
6:00pm doors open
6:30pm caucuses
7:00pm meeting
Sat, 3/19 Annual Representative Town Meeting at Brattleboro Area Middle School (multipurpose room)
Selectboard Meetings
Tues, 3/1 CANCELLED due to elections, and rescheduled to 3/8
Tues, 3/8 Regular Selectboard Meeting in Selectboard room at Municipal Center
Tues, 3/15 Regular Selectboard meeting in Selectboard room at Municipal Center
Wed, 3/30 Special Selectboard organizational meeting in Selectboard room at Municipal Center
Time TBD