The Town of Brattleboro is looking for citizens to serve on the following committees and boards:
Agricultural Advisory Board
ADA Advisory Committee
Arts Committee
Citizens Police Communications Committee (CPCC)
Conservation Commission
Development Review Board Alternate
Energy Committee
Fence Viewers (by statute, must be legal voters of the Town)
Honor Roll Committee
Regional Economic Hub Study Group
Senior Solutions Advisory Council
Applications and more information about various committees and boards can be found on the Brattleboro website,, or by calling the Town Manager’s office (251-8151). If you are interested in serving on a Brattleboro committee or board, please submit your application on-line, or send an e-mail to the Town Manager’s office –, or mail or deliver the application to: Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office, Attn: Committee Vacancy, 230 Main Street, Suite 208, Brattleboro, VT 05301.
The Selectboard will make appointments at upcoming regularly scheduled meetings.
Citizen involvement is important to the vibrancy of our Town. Please consider serving your community.
Town Manager’s Office
230 Main Street
Brattleboro, VT
05301 (802) 251-8151
FAX (802) 257-2322