Have you noticed these signs around town lately?
They have been distributed through the Safe Streets Project, a town committee whose mission is to create a culture of respect and increase civility and safety on our streets for everyone through awareness and education activities.
Remember that cyclists only travel around 10 mph and they, like you, have a destination.
Give respect, get respect. Safety is a two-way street.
This all well and good but I would hope the cyclists would start showing a little respect for those of us who use the sidewalks and the walk signs and make right hand turns on the red arrow and wait. Follow the rules of the road and stay off the side walks.
cyclists on sidewalks
Brattleboro has a town ordinance regarding cycling on sidewalks and it is indeed legal to ride on sidewalks all throughout town EXCEPT on the downtown sidewalks of Main Street and certain parts of Elliot Street, High Street and a few others.
Cyclists should yield to pedestrians on sidewalks and crosswalks and follow the rules of the road.