Ready for another “Noticed Around Brattleboro” list? This is you chance to point out things that have caught your eye in recent months.
To get you started, here are a few things I’ve noticed recently:
– New, large Steve Proctor vases at the front door of Brattleboro Savings & Loan to welcome bank customers.
– A new game shop has opened near Canal and Birge.
– Black Mountain Plaza almost has a new bank office, and is in the process of putting on a new roof.
– There’s a raffle going on for Rescue, Inc, and the prize pick-up truck is at Brattleboro Ford, visible from the rotary. Just $20 for a raffle ticket.
– Lots of houses for sale. Lots of beautiful summer gardens around town, too.
Has anything caught your eye?
Avenue Grocery Is For Sale
I went to Avenue Grocery on Sunday to get a coffee and was greeted with the sad sight of for sale signs on the front of the store. What a bummer! I love those guys and their store fills a really needed purpose in our neighborhood, saving us a lot of drives in the car. Anyway, the story is that they’ve been robbed something like 7 times in the last 10 years, and they’ve had enough. (I’ve heard robberies on Western Avenue are common.) It’s a real shame and I’m sorry anyone would want to rob such nice people. I hope though that someone else buys the store and keeps it going — even if they have to put bars on the windows (nice Vermont bars, of course).
Sad news. Were they robbed or burgled? Back when I worked at the E St Grocer, we were burgled fairly frequently but nobody robbed us.
Robbery vs Burglement
Sorry, I didn’t realize there was a difference. They were broken into around midnight and although there was no money to steal, the burglars took all the cigarettes, which amounts to the same thing. Apparently the thieves broke the front window and came in that way. You’d think neighbors might have heard something but apparently not. Anyway, it was sad for us and I’m sure for most of their neighbors and customers. This kind of crime tends to reduce quality of life for all. You don’t want to have to lock up everything like fort knox, but the alternative is worse.
Solar Hill Sheep
All but 2 of the solar hill sheep are gone now. Just the lonely 2 left in the field.
It sure is fun to sit on the porch and listen to them baa at each other!
Cedar Street Sheep
There is a performing troupe of tiny sheep on Cedar street. The other day they assembled themselves into a pyramid. The last couple of days they’ve been dancing about the may pole.
Gas under $2.50 per gallon again.
Many houses for sale.
Couple more
Nice new NEYT parking lot.
New performing arts space on Elliot at old laundry.
Elderberry Bush Gone!
The nice plants, particularly the lovely elderberry bush, with all of its medicine, have been removed for NEYT’s parking lot renovation. Sad.
- New directional signage inc
– New directional signage inc large signs on 91 re three Bratt exits
– New lunch truck on Putney Rd where Jamaican food truck was previously – Dan’s Mess Hall or something like that
– Tavern in Colonial Motel opening (anyone know if the new lap pool is open yet?)
Back Street Cafe is...
Back Street Cafe is closing today and will relocate circa Oct 1st to Canal Street where there used to be a restaurant next to the now closed Burton’s Car Wash.
Bench and Rock Still Gone
The large colorful rock and the bench have still not been put back into their spot over the coop bridge.
New Arts Space
River Gallery School is expanding to the first floor at their building -32 Main Street. The new space will be devoted to printmaking, book arts, and Ability Arts programs. They are planning week end drop in activities and a small gallery for artists to rent. RGS is such a welcoming and creative place with dedicated and extremely talented instructors. This new space will allow them to offer even more art to one and all!
A new geek -related storefront in Harmony Lot. Not sure what this is, but saw a sign from a distance.
"Home Depot"
I’ve been noticing activity in the old Home Depot building. Anybody know what’s going on?
I asked...
I was noticing the doors had been open and workmen inside, so I asked the folks at Hannaford if they knew anything.
From what they can gather, repairs are being made on the inside, and they speculated that it was due to water damage at some point. They hadn’t heard of anyone moving in, and kinda hinted that the only folks that could move in would need to be the types who had large bundles of money to pay the rent.
Still Stagnant
Fast Eddies never opened.
Shops in bottom of Lawrence Block still empty.
Friendly’s still empty.
Pizza place in Hannaford’s parking lot,thin crust, closed.
And now it’s spreading to Keene as Olive Garden has closed.
How’s that Hope and Change working for ya.
Businesses have been opening
Businesses have been opening and closing since cities and towns were established – even before Obama was President. What’s your explanation for that?
Yes We Can
Obama also has space available in the Brooks House. : )
(Fast Eddies said next year…. )
New mural at the Thai restaurant featuring bamboo and a bull.
New Thai Truck at Exit 3
Or the Thai Truck got a new paint job…looks nice, regardless!
About that mural...
Might be a lion or tiger, not a bull… I saw it in progress.
The Tavern
Anybody know anything about the restaurant coming to The Tavern….where Dandelion & Sage use to be?
I haven't read anything about
I haven’t read anything about it. That space has had a lot of turnover – hopefully the new place will do well and stick around.
Owners looking for someone?
Last I heard, via their liquor license approval, was that the hotel owners were going to fix it up, and we’re looking for someone to run it. maybe they found someone?
From June 17:
“Acting as Liquor Commissioners, the Brattleboro Selectboard approved a First Class liquor license and outdoor consumption permit for The Tavern, located at 889 Putney Road. The previous owner of the restaurant is transferring ownership back to the Colonial Motel owners, Shamir Patel, Bhavna Patel and Anjali Patel.
The hotel owners are looking for someone to run the restaurant and hope to be up and serving diinner again in about 3 months.”
"Dead River"!!
Unbelievably, in Vermont, a state revered for its green, vibrancy, there exists a company called “Dead River”. Equally as incredible, is the fact that no one else has seemed to notice the incredulity of this.
name questions
Actually, they have had so many questions about that incredibly unfortunate name that they printed up their response about the history of the name and have it as a sign propped on the counter in their downtown office.
Neighborhood Schoolhouse
Neighborhood Schoolhouse on Solar Hill is getting some work done — power washing and painting and a bit of new trim in places. Looking good!
At the Coop...
I noticed that the Canal St. entrance/exit to the outdoor cafe has been blocked, and there is a sign asking people not to go in or out that way.
Legacy Elements
I noticed that pretty much everything I really value about living here was here twenty five years ago when I arrived.
I’m speaking about infrastructure and recreational features that add to quality of life. Wantastiquit trails, Whetsone Brook, The Meadows, Living Memorial Park, (the pool, the t-bar), the trails behind the ski jump, South Pond, Stickney Brook, the Library…I see plenty of boosting for tourists lately, but the only ‘new’ thing that comes to mind- that I use and enjoy- along these lines, is the trail along the West River heading out from the marina…and that in part is in rough shape now due to construction.
circus is coming
Lines are marked out on the ground for the new building for NECCA (circus arts), on Putney Road.
Construction on Fairground Road
A very large foundation is being poured on Fairground near Canal, next to Walgreen’s. Does anyone know what is being built there?
New BHA site
The housing authority is building residences to house people in the apartments at Melrose.