The Vermont Comedy Divas —the only all-female, touring stand-up comedy troupe in the United States — bring their acclaimed brand of stand-up comedy to the River Garden in a fund-raising event for Strolling of the Heifers on Saturday, April 4 at 8 p.m. All tickets are $15. Buy online at, or at the River Garden (cash only, Mon-Fri 9-5). Age suggestion: 16+
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Founded in 2006, this all-female touring group is a staple of the Vermont comedy scene. They have partnered with non-profits on fund-raising efforts across New England under their charity wing, “Divas Do Good”.
Josie Leavitt, founder of the Divas, got her start in New York City, playing clubs like Caroline’s and Stand-Up New York. Her comedic stories treat very personal, adult themes in an accessible, universal way.
Josie has won the Seven Daysies award for best comic in Vermont twice, in 2011 and then again in 2014. In October 2014, Josie won a Burlington, VT Moth Story Slam. As stand-comedy teacher, Josie has taught well over 300 comics in the last ten years and has worked with incarcerated women and men in 2013. Josie also co-owns the Flying Pig Bookstore in Shelburne, VT and writes the Shelftalker blog for Publishers Weekly.
The other featured Divas of the evening will be:
Hillary Boone, who started in a log cabin in the North East Kingdom of Vermont where she spent a childhood waiting to escape. After traveling the country and some of the world, Hillary is back in her home state, making people laugh. She’s opened for comics such as Deanne Smith, Myq Kaplan, and Al Yountz. She once ate dinner with a hungry Sarah Schaeffer who had no where else to go. Sometimes it’s about being in the right place at the right time. Hillary likes to think that she enjoys a sort of “local fame,” consisting primarily of warm fuzzies when other Burlingtonians quizzically ask, “do I know you from somewhere?” or when anyone comments on her cartoon blog. Her comedy has been described as quirky, likeable, queer and smart, and even “simply delightful” by a local comedy critic. She has been i-spied approximately one times.
Sue Schmidt, who, after an extensive career as a mental health counselor and a government manager, decided that her experiences working with humans was too good not to share. Sue started her career as a comedian in the fall of 2012 and by the end of 2013, had done sixty shows in 40 venues across the country from Maine to Florida to Anchorage, Alaska. Sue has been featured comedic storyteller at the Boston Women in Comedy Festival the Green Mountain Comedy Festival, Extempo, MassMouth and the Moth. Sue’s newest endeavor “Tell Me Something Good” brings together comedic storytellers for shows that raise funds for family organizations across New England.
Tracie Spencer, who performs throughout New England, in numerous comedy venues and benefit shows. Her style combines an easy, measured delivery with a subtly dry wit. She was selected to perform in Boston for the Women in Comedy Festival, was a four-year Higher Ground Comedy Battle finalist, a Funniest Comic in Vermont finalist and was the only female comic selected to compete in the Funniest Comic in New England Semi-Finals. Originally from West Virginia, previously an FBI Budget Analyst, she enjoys volunteering, beach volleyball and hanging out with amazing daughters.
Autumn Engroff Spencer, who wanted to be a comic all her life. Four years ago, she finally took the plunge and signed up for comedy-writing class. Since then, she has been performing comedy in Vermont and New York, both on her own and as part of the Divas. She particularly enjoys telling jokes for a good cause. Autumn lives in Burlington with her 2 hilarious children and their handsome dad.