On Thursday, March 12th at 7:00 PM, in the Hayes Court Community Room on Garfield Drive, the West
Brattleboro Association is hosting a Q&A session with District 1 Town Meeting members. All residents, most especially District 1 residents, are invited. The hour-plus meeting will be facilitated by Orion Barber.
Immediately preceding the Q&A, at 6 PM in the same community room, the WBA will be holding its regular monthly meeting. The primary topic will be the pursuit of both Vermont and federal non-profit-hood. If time permits, there will also be discussion of safety issues related to Marlboro Road traffic and to recent break-ins..
Also coming up and sponsored or co-sponsored by the WBA are a streetscape charrette planned for early April and Green-Up Day in early May. More news about those events will be published in coming weeks.
The purpose of the Association is to promote the thoughtful and effective evolution of the community of West Brattleboro as a place that is safe, healthy, attractive, and prosperous. Meetings are held on the second Thursdays of the month at 6:00 PM (next one, April 9th) and are open to all residents and business owners
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WBA Continues To lead
Hurray and cheers for District 1 Reps taking the time to schedule a meeting with residents of the district.
Residents of District 1 should take full advantage of this event to meet and discuss issues of importance with their representatives.
Will other Districts follow their lead?