Brattleboro Citizen Police Communications Committee (CPCC) Minutes and Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Citizen Police Communications Committee (CPCC) will meet on Monday, July 28, 2014 at 5:30pm in the community room at the Brooks Memorial Library.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

CPCC Meeting
June 23, 2014
5:30 pm, Brooks Memorial Library, Main Street, Brattleboro

1. Call to Order & Quorum Check: Tristan Toleno called the meeting to order. Committee members James Banslaben and Ann Wright were present. Terry Carter and Robin Flatley attended, as did Chief Wrinn and Captain Fitzgerald.

2. Agenda Review: No changes.

3. Approval of Previous Meeting Notes: The May minutes were approved.

4. Review New Open Meeting Law: Changes to the law were discussed. It was suggested that when the CPCC’s bylaws are reviewed, sections of the new statute be referred as they define procedure. Executive Session was given as an example.

5. New Business:

a. Brattleboro police training in dog handling: Terry Carter has been communicating with TJ Anderson about possible dog training in October for some of Brattleboro’s police officers in light of a reduction in hours to the position of animal control officer. As that training will be specific to situations rather than general, Terry was referred to Jean Barbo of the Humane Society, which is also planning training for October. Terry asked for this to be on next month’s agenda, as she hopes to have more information.

b. CPCC handbook:
i. It was suggested that a half hour be set aside in July’s meeting to begin work on a CPCC handbook.
ii. Chief Wrinn and Captain Fitzgerald explained the reason for a complainant’s signature being notarized at the end of the complaint form. It’s against the law to provide a police officer with false information, hence the notary requirement; it also confirms that the person making the statement is who they say they are. All police officers are notaries.
iii. It was suggested there be an explanation of the reason for the notary statement, both in the handbook and on the back of the complaint form.
iv. It was affirmed that the process and procedure for dealing with mental health situations be included as part of the 10 or 12 policies/procedures a police officer is most likely to encounter.

c. James Banslaben reported that there were four compliments and no complaints filed in the past month.

CPCC Agenda
July 28, 2014
5:30 p.m., Brooks Memorial Library

1. Call to order & Quorum check
2. Agenda review
3. Approval of previous meeting notes
4. Review New Open Meeting Law
5. New business
a. Begin work on CPCC handbook
6. Unfinished business
a. Brat. police training in dog handling
7. Public participation

Comments | 3

  • Great, Another Useless Committee

    mutilation forthcoming

  • And the Poster Was...

    I believe the poster was Jan Anderson.

    • Moreland and Anderson were forewarned

      about the violations coming Thursday 24th July. As I was to be directly affected, I contacted
      the Interim TM
      the Interim Police Chief
      before NOON that day that a powder keg was going to be lit. It was obvious to anyone familiar with the landscape that got a young man killed in front of the Transportation Center some five years ago.

      Two and a half hours of willful interference by BPD dispatch and much belittling of the complaining party (myself), they finally shut it down. Negligence is easy to prove.

      So Anderson made herself liable by refusing to respond to my forewarning.

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