A few weeks ago, January 28th, four Vt House legislators introduced a bill to hinder information gathering in Vermont.
There are four sponsors from four perspectives: Rep Davis-Hatch Progressive from the NE Kingdom, Rep Zagar, Dem from Windsor, Rep Komline, Repub from Rutland and W. Stevens, Ind. from Addison. The bill’s number is H.732. It will not have time to get through this session and will have to be re-introduced next year (the slate is wiped clean at the end of every biennium) if the sponsors or others choose. Here is the link.
Yeah, Vermont!
From the proposed bill:
“It shall be the public policy of this State to refuse to provide material support for or assist or in any way participate in the collection of a person’s electronic data or metadata by any federal agency or pursuant to any federal law, rule, regulation, or order unless the data is collected pursuant to a judicially-issued warrant that particularly describes the persons, places, and things to be searched or seized.”