August Issue (The Word, “CRAZY!”) Is Out!

With a few last-minute glitches and a few hours late, the new issue of is online. The theme of this edition is:

The Word, “CRAZY!”

Featured as the lead article, is a powerful, first-person account of the horrendous, routine abuse of human beings in the guise of psychiatric care: CRAZY OR NOT, HERE I COME by Phoebe Sparrow Wagner.

That psychiatric labels can so easily be used to control, discredit and disempower a woman, is not some artifact from the bad old days, but continues today, has been dramatized recently by the high-profile struggle of actress Britney Spears to break free from her father’s unwanted control.

I very much welcome your reactions.

Readers’ reactions to Who’s Crazy? which ran in the May 29, 2021 Premier Edition informed me that my Aunt Rose’s incarceration in Rockland State Psychiatric Center is more than a personal, family story: It is emblematic of the all too common use of the word CRAZY as a misogynistic weapon.

If you find worthwhile, please send links to other people whom you think might appreciate it. Readership is still small. I am not wasting time on “marketing” or “search engine optimization (SEO)” or trying to “create content.” My “marketing strategy” is to provide worthwhile treatment of genuinely important issues, and let the value of gradually attract readers.

My best wishes to all,

Steven K-Brooks, Editor

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