From the UNcyclopedia:
People come to Vermont to view the foilage of the native trees, including the Ski-plant.
“They make maple syrup and call themselves American? Go back to Canada!”
Vermont is a small island located in the New England area of the United States. It covers an area of 2 square miles, mainly consisting of dense hardwood forests, spacious pine forests, and forests full of hippies. It is home to over three towns, eight people and several billion cows. It is the whitest state in the U.S.
This “State Government” is in the city of Montpelier, which would be the smallest capitol city in the US, if not for the fact that Vermont is now independent and that the state is actually run by the Council of Stoners, which is in Brattleboro. It was declared independent from the US on June 16, 2007, and after a long war that destroyed everything except for Vermont it was a free country, with lots of communists, anarchists and hicks.
You decide. Your vote is your voice!
Uncylopedia and its Uncle the Onion
Looking around the Un Empire, there is a vast neitherworld of depth, ten years worth, what looks like the effort of many hundreds of contributors, possibly thousands if you consider the gnomes and djinn that would’ve been required to have manifested all the listed articles and side projects, e.g.: unnews, unquote, unpoetia, unbooks, undictionary…and more comedic spawn, even as we speak.
Like its kin, the Onion..the sheer volume of commentary, subverted scholarship, oblique reference, cultural allusion, meta innuendo, sacred cow tipping, and general merriment-making is impressive in its own right. More importantly, this ribald take on our common culturescape forms an indispensable body of knowledge, a telling frame of cognitive reference by virtue of embellishments and skewing.
As such, any individual entry will inevitably have the Rorscach-like quality of reflecting the humor receptors of the reader as well as the author.
I for one, would die without this haughty aspiration, this breath of fresh air which cuts through stultifying and arrogant self-importance, and pompous official ceremony and aggrandizement.
In terms of the take on VT, I noticed the author of the piece was unidentified, an anonymite…probably a flatlander. So, what do ya expect?