Going 90 On Green Street

A couple of times in the last month or so, I’ve been clocked going 90 near Crowell Park heading toward Green Street. Impressive for an old Honda starting at zero mph at the Cedar Street turn, eh?

As I say, I was clocked going that speed. I wasn’t going that fast, of course.

Twice now I’ve seen the speed detector do an odd thing. As you approach at a normal speed, the reading suddenly and rapidly rises: “Your speed is 40, 50, 70, 90… Slow Down!” Then it resets itself.

It happens quickly, in a matter of seconds.

False readings are confusing to drivers. The first time it happened I checked to see if I was somehow speeding up dramatically. Nope.

My guess is that this has something to do with cold temperatures, ice and snow. Perhaps there is a short.

Anyone else seen this happen?

Comments | 12

  • similar

    I haven’t had the privilege of being clocked at 90 or even close, but I have noticed it recording speeds that did seem off to me.

  • Clocked

    I was clocked at 90 and the numbers jumped around, higher, lower, etc.
    I almost regret when it’ll be fixed…

  • The traffic-calming device is clearly broken

    and needs to be reported to the town.

    I can’t recall the device’s name, but an AP article a few months ago noted that it was, nationwide, the most effective traffic calming method concocted since the traffic light.

    It has worked quite well in the past. I noticed it was not working at all two months ago.

    I will not speculate on the cause of the malfunction, I merely highly recommend contacting the appropriate person (Al Franklin) in Town Hall about the issue. I’m having difficulty finding his office number on the site right now. Even Google is failing me. The TM’s secretary is going to voice and I’ve got a serious complaint about the ice in front of the dumpster by the Underground in The Lot; it’s a slip’n’fall lawsuit waiting to happen, I called last week, and still nothing’s been done.

    • Town Hall seems disinterested in fixing the issue.

      I spoke with Barrett of the Highway Division (Al Franklin is out of town). He said he knew of the situation, and that “it runs on solar”. The manner and tone shouted apathy.

      • Not Really

        Public Works Director Steve Barrett cares deeply about everything in his bailiwick. But he is exceedingly busy, especially at this time of year. Part of his job is telling residents and taxpayers what they don’t want to hear. It is never easy to hear ‘no’ or ‘maybe later’ when you are strongly convinced you ought to be hearing ‘yes’ and ‘right away’!

        • re: Not Really

          I was never told “no” or “maybe”.

          I was told “it runs on solar” in a tone of voice that implied impracticability.

          I did not hear incorrectly. If someone actually says no or maybe, I become engaged because at least I’m probably hearing something near the truth. I heard negligence, and it sure wasn’t the first time in my life.

          I’ve been in his position, just not in a government role. And please don’t try to snow me with the “this time of year” platitude; right now, the Transportation Center’s elevator be out of order for over a week–that’s a record for over the past five years–and there’s hardly any snow to deal with compared to at least half the previous winters.

          Fix the small thing with big consequences, and then talk of “busy” becomes replaced with “having one’s priorities in order”.

  • Just saw it again

    Hmmm. Maybe my theory about cold doesn’t apply. Maybe it is the moisture.

    I just saw it do this again… 45, 70, 90… and no cars were in the radar spot.

    Perhaps we have ghost speeders in town.

    • Is this still an issue?

      I haven’t hauled my way up the hill to check it out, and would dearly like to know.

      • Off?

        I haven’t seen the readout working in quite a while. Seems to be turned off?

        • Neglected.

          That traffic-calming method is the best invented since the traffic light, and while we have be spared a lot of snow over the past while (especially compared to the Atlantic seaboard) Barnett & et al refuse to address it while they have time on their hands. (“It’s solar.”, as if that’s an excuse).

          They won’t touch it until some idiot charges down Green Street and hits a schoolkid.

  • Finally, a straight answer out of Town Hall

    I repeat Patrick Moreland’s response to a statement I asked (by proxy) of one of the Town Committee meeting’s regarding this device:

    The speed meter on Green Street remains out of service at this time. It had been misbehaving, as you noted in your email. While researching repair options, the Town became aware that the sign on Green Street may no longer be in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. At present we are researching if a reprogramming of the machine would enable continued use, or if a different device may be needed.

    Thanks to John for his earlier, condescending and now-known-to-be-vacuous reply to my commentary earlier in the thread.

    I responding by noting I did not want to live in a town that has a hit-and-run and then a little kid hurting within a short amount of time, a possibility while this incredibly-effective traffic calming device is not in play.

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