This morning when I started my car, I found three one-dollar bills folded up and sitting in my cup holder. No note, no explanation, and nothing missing from the car that I could notice.
A pleasant surprise!
But more surprising, this is not the first time it has happened. Once before, I found $3.
Someone once handed me $35
on the street, and insisted that I take it.
Was it “Coke-is-it”?
Simple Explanation
It’s just a publicity stunt for Three Dollar Dewey’s
Name Change
McNeill’s Pub hasn’t used that name for years.
(The name came from an old expression: $1 lookie, $2 feelie, $3 do-ie)
It's a little creepy that
It’s a little creepy that someone just goes into your car at night. If it- as someone suggested – a publicity stunt -it’s a pretty dumb one. Isn’t going into someone’s car -personal property- considered a misdemeanor? Although I guess you would need to catch them doing it. It would make me lock my car.