Remember The Critters

Please remeber to look out for your, and your neighbors, animals in the coming storm.   No animal should be teathered outside this time of year.  Remember, drinking water for barn animals can freeze.

Keep your eyes open for the critters.


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    The internet is reporting many cases of dogs freezing to death right now. One reported a dog was found “frozen solid.” PLease, if you see or hear a dog or cat outside, call 911 or attempt to get it inside. Here are some tips from a veterinarian in Chicago (

    “Top ten things to keep your animals SAFE in this COOOOLD weather!
    1) Brief walks! Out to do business and back inside!
    2) Don’t let them off leash. More pets are lost in frigid temperatures than in the warm months. Sense of smell is decreased in the cold. Make sure you have current tags on any pet going outdoors
    3) Coats and shoes! Coats for any animal with short haircoats or no fur and for puppies and small dogs – they get cold VERY quickly! Put foot protection on little ones, and animals with sensitive feet – Booties, musher’s wax, something.
    4) Don’t close shave them, and don’t shave the fur between their toes
    5) Keep cats indoors during this weather.
    6) Bang on the hood of your car before starting it in case outdoor cats have climbed in. It gives them warning to get out.
    7) Rinse pet’s feet when coming in from outside to get rid of abrasive salts from the street. Check feet for cuts from ice.
    8) Warm a cold pet with blankets, hot water bottles, your own body heat (put them under your coat if they are small), or even blowing with a warm hair dryer (from at least 1 foot distance).
    9) Feed them some coconut oil to help with the dry skin from the cold dry winds (1 tsp for 20 lb dog, 1 Tblsp for dogs >50lbs – even cats may like a little)
    10) If they won’t poop because of snow you can tromp down or shovel snow, plant some dog poop in an area so they can smell it and go there, put on a Thunder Shirt to relax them for walk (or a snug coat). Usually if they really have to go, they will.”

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