Learn to Weatherize. Are you a do-it-yourselfer? Would you like to reduce your energy costs by making significant energy improvements? And be eligible for up to $2,600 from Efficiency Vermont?
Each Skillshop will cover:
Air-Sealing. This is the key to increasing comfort and reducing fuel use—though potentially dangerous if not accompanied by proper ventilation. We’ll show you how to manage air flow in a building and how to tighten things up safely.
Insulation. There are ways to waste money on the wrong insulation and application. We will show you how to choose and install insulation correctly for your building, whether it is an historic Victorian house or a modern mobile home.
Attics. Rid yourself of icicles and damaging ice dams by addressing poor insulation and air leaks in your attic.
Basements: Addressing issues in attics and basements goes a long way towards making a building comfortable. We’ll show you what to look for in the cellar, and give you the insights you need to control the air leaking into your home.
Windows & Doors: We will review the myths and facts of window replacement, and help you identify ways to limit drafts while making sure your efforts are cost-effective.
Weatherization Skillshop
Saturday, September 21, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Brattleboro Union High School, 131 Fairground Rd., Brattleboro
Cost: $25 (includes lunch)
To Register, visit www.efficiencyvermont.com/diy or call Efficiency Vermont with questions at 1-888-921-5990.