Brattleboro and VT COVID-19 Regional Dashboard Summary – February 2025

Welcome to the February 2025 dashboard summary. We continue semi-regular COVID-19 dashboard numbers from the Vermont Department of Health, and MA and NH counties that surround Brattleboro, as long as they continue providing them. Numbers are low, but not zero. Scroll down the new comments for the latest.

VT, NH and MA do weekly updates, near the end of the week, so we update on Fridays usually. Variant updates are every two weeks.


Here are links to the full list of previous dashboard summaries: January 2025  December,  November,  October,  September,  August,  July,  June,  May,  April,  March, February, January 2024, December, November,October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March, February, January 2023, December, November, October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March, February, January 2022, December, November, October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March, February, January 2021, December, November, October, September, August, July, June, May, and April 2020.

Comments | 4

  • Feb 7

    VT ( Wednesday updates)

    Report Timeframe: January 26 to February 1, 2025

    XEC is the most common circulating variant. Some limited specimen quantities may impact
    proportion accuracy, specifically the weeks of 11/10–23/2024. For more timely data, see the
    National SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Surveillance System which includes data from Vermont and other
    states. Source: Vermont Department of Health Whole Genome Sequencing program.

    Concentrations are elevated in Montpelier, St. Albans, and Burlington. Concentrations are
    moderately increased in South Burlington, Middlebury and Essex Junction, and low in Ludlow. Some
    week-to-week fluctuation is expected.

    189 weekly case count

    1 Windham outbreaks

    1252 total deaths (13 in January)

    NH, as of 1/31/25

    Cheshire – 172 deaths
    Sullivan – 97 deaths

    3,488 deaths total


    MA, as of 2/6/2025

    “Updated every Thursday by 5 p.m.”

    1877 new confirmed and probable cases, 4.520% 7-day avg positivity
    23 new confirmed deaths

    Counties, confirmed cases in last 7 days:

    Franklin – 15 cases
    Hampshire – 30 cases
    Berkshire – 47 cases
    Hampden – 151 cases


  • Feb 14

    VT ( Wednesday updates)

    Report Timeframe: February 2 to February 8, 2025

    XEC is the most common circulating variant. Some limited specimen quantities may impact
    proportion accuracy, specifically the weeks of 11/10–23/2024. For more timely data, see the
    National SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Surveillance System which includes data from Vermont and other
    states. Source: Vermont Department of Health Whole Genome Sequencing program.

    Concentrations remain elevated but are decreasing in Montpelier, Concentrations are more
    moderately increased in Burlington, South Burlington, Middlebury, St. Albans, and Essex Junction,
    and low in Ludlow. Some week-to-week fluctuation is expected.

    162 weekly case count

    0 Windham outbreaks

    1258 total deaths

    NH, as of 2/7/25

    Cheshire – 174 deaths
    Sullivan – 97 deaths

    3,495 deaths total


    MA, as of 2/13/2025

    “Updated every Thursday by 5 p.m.”

    1527 new confirmed and probable cases, 3.760% 7-day avg positivity
    9 new confirmed deaths

    Counties, confirmed cases in last 7 days:

    Franklin – 13 cases
    Hampshire – 25 cases
    Berkshire – 33 cases
    Hampden – 143 cases


    Variant Update (every two weeks)



    Omicron XEC – 37%
    Omicron LP.8.1 – 31%
    Omicron KP.3.1.1 – 9%
    Omicron MC.10.1 – 6%
    Omicron XEC.4 – 4%
    Omicron XEQ – 3% (new)
    Omicron LF.7 – 3%
    Omicron MC.1 – 2%
    Omicron LB.1.3.1 – 2%
    Omicron XEK- 1%
    Omicron KP.3 – 1%
    Omicron JN.1.16 – 1%

    Omicron MC.19 – 0%
    Omicron BA.2.86- 0%
    Omicron KS.1 – 0%
    Omicron KP.1.1.3 – 0%
    Omicron LB.1 – 0%
    Omicron KP.2.3 – 0%
    Omicron KP.2 – 0%

  • Feb 21

    VT ( Wednesday updates)

    Note (2/19/2025): As of Feb. 19, the Health Department’s COVID-19 surveillance report will no longer include information about cases and deaths, as data reporting transitions to a format similar to other respiratory viruses like the flu.

    Case data has become a less meaningful indicator of COVID-19 activity since individual cases are being reported in a very limited basis by health care settings and laboratories. The same is true for death data, as COVID-19 has shifted from being the underlying cause of most COVID-associated deaths to a contributing cause.

    The department continues to monitor the impact of COVID-19 in Vermont using the most meaningful data, including emergency department visits, wastewater data and outbreaks.

    Report Timeframe: February 9 to February 15, 2025

    XEC is the most common circulating variant. Some limited specimen quantities may impact
    proportion accuracy, specifically the weeks of 11/10–23/2024. For more timely data, see the
    National SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Surveillance System which includes data from Vermont and other
    states. Source: Vermont Department of Health Whole Genome Sequencing program.

    Concentrations are high in Middlebury and moderately elevated in Burlington, Montpelier, and
    Essex Junction. Lower concentrations are observed in South Burlington, St. Albans, and Ludlow.
    Concentration are decreasing at most sites. Some week-to-week fluctuation is expected.

    0 Windham outbreaks


    NH, as of 2/14/25

    Cheshire – 174 deaths
    Sullivan – 97 deaths

    3,503 deaths total


    MA, as of 2/20/2025

    “Updated every Thursday by 5 p.m.”

    1411 new confirmed and probable cases, 3.810% 7-day avg positivity
    15 new confirmed deaths

    Counties, confirmed cases in last 7 days:

    Franklin – 13 cases
    Hampshire – 18 cases
    Berkshire – 30 cases
    Hampden – 123 cases


  • Feb 28

    VT ( Wednesday updates)

    Note (2/19/2025): As of Feb. 19, the Health Department’s COVID-19 surveillance report will no longer include information about cases and deaths, as data reporting transitions to a format similar to other respiratory viruses like the flu.

    Case data has become a less meaningful indicator of COVID-19 activity since individual cases are being reported in a very limited basis by health care settings and laboratories. The same is true for death data, as COVID-19 has shifted from being the underlying cause of most COVID-associated deaths to a contributing cause.

    The department continues to monitor the impact of COVID-19 in Vermont using the most meaningful data, including emergency department visits, wastewater data and outbreaks.

    Report Timeframe: February 16 to February 22, 2025

    XEC is the most common circulating variant. Some limited specimen quantities may impact
    proportion accuracy, specifically the weeks of 11/10–23/2024. For more timely data, see the
    National SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Surveillance System which includes data from Vermont and other
    states. Source: Vermont Department of Health Whole Genome Sequencing program.

    Concentrations are high in Middlebury and moderately elevated in Burlington, Montpelier, and
    Essex Junction. Lower concentrations are observed in South Burlington, St. Albans, and Ludlow.
    Concentration are decreasing at most sites. Some week-to-week fluctuation is expected.

    0 Windham outbreaks


    NH, as of 2/21/25

    Cheshire – 174 deaths
    Sullivan – 97 deaths

    3,507 deaths total


    MA, as of 2/27/2025

    “Updated every Thursday by 5 p.m.”

    954 new confirmed and probable cases, 3.330% 7-day avg positivity
    10 new confirmed deaths

    Counties, confirmed cases in last 7 days:

    Franklin – 6 cases
    Hampshire – 17 cases
    Berkshire – 24 cases
    Hampden – 64 cases


    Variant Update (every two weeks)



    Omicron LP.8.1 – 42%
    Omicron XEC – 31%
    Omicron KP.3.1.1 – 6%
    Omicron MC.10.1 – 5%
    Omicron MC.28.1 – 3% (new)
    Omicron LF.7 – 3%
    Omicron XEC.4 – 3%
    Omicron XEQ – 2%

    Omicron MC.1 – 2%
    Omicron LB.1.3.1 – 2%
    Omicron XEK- 1%
    Omicron KP.3 – 0%
    Omicron KS.1 – 0%
    Omicron LB.1 – 0%
    Omicron KP.1.1.3 – 0%
    Omicron KP.2.3 – 0%

    This concludes February 2025.

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