Brattleboro Area Hospice: New Online Support Group for People Living with Serious Illness Starting in July 2024

Are you going through treatment? Feeling overwhelmed or scared? Talking with others may help.

The Serious Illness Program support groups provide a safe space for people to share personal experiences, feelings, coping strategies, and allow for shared learning. 

Free, facilitated, peer support group for people who live in Windham County and neighboring NH towns who are experiencing a life-altering illness with a focus on cancer, heart and organ diseases. 

Online group: Starting in July, time and day to be determined. Fully on Zoom. 

Will run for 8 sessions.

To learn more, contact: Eileen Glover, Serious Illness Program Coordinator at Brattleboro Area Hospice

 at  802-257-0775 ext. 106 or email at: 

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