Most of us are unsure of what to say and do when someone we know has experienced a death loss. And the more traumatic the death, in our opinion, the more awkward we feel. This leads us to procrastinate or even fail to reach out to the bereaved person. Unfortunately, what the person almost always needs is to know that others are thinking of him or her.
If this describes you, please consider attending “Grief for Beginners” at Brattleboro Area Hospice on Wednesdays October 12th and 19th from 7-9 p.m. This is not a grief support program—call us if you need that service. This is an educational program about the nature of grief and loss and what grieving people want from others. We’ll explore cultural attitudes and our own beliefs about grief, share personal experiences of being both the bereaved person and the supportive one, and learn how to be personal agents for change in our death-averse culture.
The sessions will take place at Brattleboro Area Hospice, 191 Canal St. in Brattleboro. Connie Baxter, BAH Bereavement Program Coordinator will lead. This educational program is free of charge, but you must register and have a brief phone conversation with Connie in order to attend. Call her at (802) 257-0775 ext. 104. Space is limited.