Parenting for Social Justice Chats will be happening at Brooks Memorial Library for three Wednesdays from 6:00pm-8:00pm: March 8th, April 12th, and May 10th. This initial series will focus on race and racial justice.
Parenting is beautiful and it is challenging. One of the things we struggle with as parents is having hard conversations with our kids. Many of us are seeking support and ideas for how to have the hard conversations with our kids about racism and police brutality, about transgender issues, about hatred for Muslims and many other social justice issues. And we are looking to turn those conversations into action.
Come join a conversation that is designed to connect us and grow us as parents and as people. The goal of these conversations is to contribute to successful communities by equipping parents with tools for engaging their children on social justice topics. This group provides a much needed boost of warmth, creativity, forgiveness, support and love for the hard work ahead.
As Angela Berkfield wrote in her recent blog post on the Power of Community – “By sharing my parenting for social justice struggles with the world it made me accountable to continue trying, even through the struggle.
Because of the support I have received from community I have seen my family shift in some subtle, and some groundbreaking ways.”
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In these chats we will work together to shape the focus, depending on what parents are bringing to talk about. It could be continuing the focus on racism and economic justice that we started last year. Or we might go in a new direction. We will highlight resources and books. We often work in small groups, where parents share the hard social justice conversations they would like support with. We often practice those conversations to get group feedback.
We always make commitments to taking action and build in ways to hold each other accountable.
Free and open to the public. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Childcare is provided for kids ages 3 and up. Please RSVP to reserve a spot for your kids.
For more information or to RSVP email or call 802.254.3400.