What do you think ?
BCS recently sponsored a debate about abortion between religious conservatives and secular liberals. They hugged each other at the end and want to meet again. So, we at BCS have evidence that a fair discussion on moral issues is possible.
There will also be a planning meeting for a renewed campaign BCS proposal (not a repeat of article 2) Meet with your neighbors to plan for Fair Evictions and Rents controls, which we promoted as an emergency act of the selectboard in late 2020. We decided to proceed with an amendment, because of selectboard resistance. (Ask to see the interesting legal correspondence.) An amendment can be proposed with equal weight at Representative Town Meeting (BCS), or by petition. This is not a town resolution under Article III and can be done any time of year.
The BCS draft had limits on rent increases to inhibit predatory evictions; it had reparations; it had verification of exceptions. It is also enforceable upon state approval, unlike the other amendments in Vermont, which only authorize the town or city to write a law. Without the endless lease and with people already warmed up to the issue a campaign might be easy.
Zoom meeting with your neighbors noon till 1PM Monday 3/13 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89714925598
contact info@BrattleboroCommonSense.org