Climate Not Christmas, Sharing Not Shopping – Scientists Say Get Real

Global issue
not just for Brattleboro

Recent research shows children around the world are highly anxious and depressed — not just about the climate, but about their parents and governments doing nothing about it. Isn’t it weird to talk about it and see it looking so calm and harmless in a screen or paper? If you really think about it, you can get very very upset in a few moments. As a serious active work it will make you anxious and depressed. And now we know, when we do nothing, children feel betrayed. Belief in the science of climate change is not enough… Scientists have been demanding radical, drastic, unprecedented action.

The crisis is unthinkable. But doing nothing is NOT an option. We must act.

The Student Survival Resolution will be model legislation that helps students, teachers and parents learn and act for climate rescue. The WSESD school directors will consider it next Tuesday (October 12, 2021). It requires a plan-based diet for the schools and one day a month for faculty development on climate and another day for students to focus entirely on climate. That helps students and teachers, but how can families discuss the climate crisis together? After you summon the strength, who has the time ?

BCS will also propose that Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations be renamed as Climate Vacations and focused on climate rescue, not on shopping. Guidance will be available through the parent-teacher associations, and people will have time for sharing real concerns about the climate with their loved ones. Call it SHARING not SHOPPING. Isn’t that more what the holidays are supposed to be – SHARING ? This SAVES money, it reduces shopping stress and pollution from un-needed merchandise. Most importantly it makes the time for feelings and planning about the absolutely most important thing in the world with the absolutely most important people in your world. It could be the way for our whole country to get real about the crisis. Let’s aim for that – for the earth, for our children. Would you like to help ?

We will meet 3PM Monday, October 11 by Zoom >> See the IBRATTLEBORO calendar. or if everyone wants, in person.

The school directors Zoom meeting is the next day (6PM to 8PM October 12): .
Contact 802 490 9363

Below is the background of this BCS action in the schools.

The Climate Crisis Committee of the Windham Southeast School District is advocating bold legislation..

Two years ago BCS started a Climate Crisis Committee in the school district in order to create a standing forum for climate issues and to keep climate issues in the board directors’ attention. The school district is larger than Brattleboro, and people are more sensitive and protective about it. So, it is a good venue.

In steady times the purpose of education is the transfer of culture and society. The Greta Thunberg Resolution addresses climate crisis through the schools. Realistically, scientifically, in the ultimate crisis the purpose of education must be to prepare students for life in that crisis, and to encourage serious action for survival and rescue. Since we all recognize Greta Thunberg as an exemplary influence on our students and society the WSESD should reduce the school week to four days, so that students have time to pursue climate rescue following Greta Thunberg’s exemplary activism. Many people who say they admire and support Greta Thunberg will oppose the resolution. So, the resolution illuminates latent denial.

The Greta Resolution (below) can serve as an introduction to revised policy recommendations, and the school directors should place the resolution on the ballots for all towns in the district.

Tom Nolan invited BCS worker Kurt Daims to give examples of “radical” proposals, and Daims proposed the Greta Thunberg Resolution. The committee listened but refused to discuss it at the next meeting in May. The committee met July 22, 2021, and the chariman of the committee. Tom Nolan insured that the Greta Resolution was on the agenda (so they would have to discuss it). Three members spoke against the resolution from a denialist standpoint — that is, for reasons that deny the emergency: because there might be legal challenges, because teachers wouldn’t like it, and because it threatened the arts curriculum. The proposal failed (5-1), but the discussion was a serious improvement. Mr. Nolan requested “drastic” proposals. He and he and member Tim Maciel drafted a compromise, the “Student Survival Resolution”. At their August 31 meeting the committee voted to forward the compromise resolution to the directors for a public vote in December. Good work by Tom Nolan.

It’s far past time to get real. Everyone must write to the school directors and demand that they allow a vote by the people. CLICK THIS  Here is a list of the directors. And here’s a local news report.

The Greta Thunberg Resolution

Shall the voters of the town of ______________ resolve as follows:

Whereas we all recognize Greta Thunberg as an exemplary influence on our students and our society, the WSESD will reduce the school week to four days, so that students have time to pursue climate rescue following Greta Thunberg’s exemplary activism.
Whereas climate change . . . . immeasurable human suffering . . .

1. The school directors must tell the truth by declaring a climate and ecological emergency, working with other institutions to communicate the urgency for change, emphasizing courage not college, realizing that it is inadequate and dishonest to update the school curricula with classes and about climate crisis.

2. Instead the directors must recognize and declare that the purpose of education must be to prepare students for life in climate crisis and to encourage their efforts toward climate rescue and climate justice;

3. The WSESD directors shall convert the schools to a four-day week so that students have time to protect their lives. The voters further require that:

4. The school directors must act now to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025.

5. The directors must create and be led by the decisions of a Citizens’ Assembly on climate justice with a majority of students.

6. Whereas we are students in life, and not scientists, we have faith in science, and whereas some people have faith in their god, let no student or teacher — no one scorn those of us who deny the crisis, since their inaction has been no worse than ours who believe it, and since their lives will be turned upside-down for a rescue against their will, and let us who will lose our livelihoods in fossil fuel and other industries know our neighbors will help us. We have all been living our lives and denying the climate crisis together. Let us bravely acknowledge and address the emergency we face together.

7. And therefore we the people of __________ declare a state of emergency, and we vow to use any and all means necessary to meet the extremes of it. We will endure hardship and self-sacrifice like military men and women, exert our utmost energy, and summon the deepest truthfulness and courage, even without certainty, to secure the survival of our children, ourselves, all humanity and this divinely beautiful natural world, which has sustained us through the ages with unspoken love.


The Student Survival Resolution

The climate crisis before us is rapidly endangering our children’s survival. In response to the existential threat of the climate crisis our children face and the lack of a substantive response from higher levels of government, the voters of Brattleboro, Guilford, Dummerston, and Putney direct the Windham Southeast School District to make the climate crisis its top priority by doing the following:

1. Become a carbon neutral district by January 1st, 2025.

2. Immediately adopt a plant-based food system.

3. Devote 1 school day per month to a focused “Climate Emergency Day” where education is centered solely on mitigating climate change and living with its consequences.

4. Immediately focus one day a month for staff development on current climate emergency reports with a focus on how to present findings to students on Climate Emergency Days and how to develop action plans for responding to the emergency. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report and documentaries such as “Breaking Boundaries” may be good starting points for discussion, but our own staff would determine content for these monthly sessions.

5. In matters of purchasing and capital improvements, make climate costs a higher priority than financial costs.

Comments | 3

  • The past is the future April 22, 1970

    The first Earth Day was observed on April 22, 1970, for the purpose of drawing public attention to the need for cleaning up the earth’s air and water and for conserving our natural resources. Earth Day was founded by a Senator, Gaylord Nelson of the United States. It was first celebrated on 22nd day of April 1970 in the United States. The celebrations were joined by around 20 million people from all through the United States.

    The first Earth Day was in 1970. Nelson, after seeing the damage done by a 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, was inspired to organize a national “teach-in” that focused on educating the public about the environment.

    Earth Day is a day dedicated to increasing awareness about the Earth, its issues and problems. Today, more than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.

  • "Consumer Carnage Holiday" - The climate Grinch who stole Christmas"

    “Is there a wedge in here somewhere to build a media plan (campaign) to deemphasize using energy to scoop up Earth’s resources to perpetuate yet another useless, wasteful “Consumer Carnage Holiday” in favor of “Climate Change Awareness” as seen through the eyes of teachers and students during their end-of-year school breaks? Support this Brattleboro Common Sense (BSC) initiative here locally to help show other locales the way.” ~Vidda

    Contact – The Greta Thunberg Resolution addresses climate crisis through the schools.

    Right-wing media is seizing on the supply chain economic crisis as an opportunity to label President Biden as “the Grinch who stole Christmas,” spreading fear of holiday gifts not being delivered on time due to supply issues. CNN’s Brian Stelter has more.

  • The Greta Thunberg Resolution

    Thanks to Vidda for the comment.
    One interesting thing about the resolution is that it reveals latent climate denial. People will say,”Oh yes. I support Greta 100%.” But when you ask if they want children leaving school to get serious about climate activism as Greta did, — well, then they don’t support that. Real climate activism is for someone else’s kid far away.

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