Peaceful Marchers to Speak Out For All Human Rights

February 17, 2025 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

WHEN: Monday, 2/17/2025,  12 noon to 1 pm EST


WHERE: From Centre Congregational Church, 193 Main Street, Brattleboro; marching south on Main Street to the bike lot at Brattleboro Food Co-op.  


WHY: As the destructive policies of the current administration continue, we won’t be quiet about the harm to all of the nation’s residents. Human rights are being trampled; our constitution is being destroyed and side-lined. 


We continue to be attentive and unite people in solidarity as humans, as immigrants, as LGBTQIA+ individuals, as BIPOC communities, as allies. Our connections as Vermonters are important to help us weather this period of time, aid who we can and ensure that hatred has no power.


Bring signs!!


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