New Map Shows Broadband (Lack of) Availability

The NTIA has released a new map showing indicators of broadband need. It takes several data sources, combines them, and then shows how different parts of the country compare.

It’s a fascinating map, showing where people in the US are getting fast internet speeds (big cities, Silicon Valley, and a few places here and there), and how the rest of us are doing.

For Windham County the numbers are like this:

Population (FCC 2019 Estimate): 42,222
ACS Percentage of Households without Internet Access: 13.00%
ACS Percentage of Households without Computer, Smartphone or Tablet: 10.00%
M-Lab Speed Test Median (Mbps): 11.05/2.01
Ookla Speedtest Median (Mbps): 15.68/3.27
Microsoft Percentage of Downloads Completed Over 25 Mbps or Higher: 35%

Rather pathetic.  For comparison, here’s Marin County, just north of San Francisco:

Marin County, California
Population (FCC 2019 Estimate): 258,826
ACS Percentage of Households without Internet Access: 6.30%
ACS Percentage of Households without Computer, Smartphone or Tablet: 5.00%
M-Lab Speed Test Median (Mbps): 76.48/8.01
Ookla Speedtest Median (Mbps): 89.12/11.07
Microsoft Percentage of Downloads Completed Over 25 Mbps or Higher: 55%

One lesson here is that every effort to improve internet speeds and connectivity around here should be supported. Not everyone is being served equally.

Here’s the Indicators of Broadband Need map. Take a look and let us know if you notice anything interesting.


From United States Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

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