Tin Hats

I am prudent enough to protect myself, and sensible enough not to be shamed out of it by scornful mockery. 

At times, ignorant people and paid provocateurs make fun of tin hats. In fact tin hats are obsolete technology — no one talks about them any more — other than to smear those of us who have the good sense to protect ourselves from EMFs, and other electromagnetic dangers. 

Although I have never worn a tin hat (except once when I tried on a museum antique) I do cover my head (and other sensitive areas) with a Faraday Shield. At night I sleep in a comfortable bed, which is enclosed in a Faraday Cage. This is no inconvenience at all: The cage consists of a silver mesh, which is fully embedded in the walls, so that my bedroom appears to be quite ordinary. 

Thanks to these cautionary measures, at no time has any government — foreign or domestic — succeeded in reading my thoughts or in mind control. This is more than I can say for many participants on this site.

I know that certain individuals will take exception. There are always such people who deny science. Anyone who wants the truth can find hundreds of internet sites which offer irrefutable data. 

To deny that there are secret government programs to bombard us with harmful electromagnetic radiation and mind control, is nonsense. Why would the government poison us daily with chemtrails, yet refrain from bombarding us with harmful radiation? 

This is the same government which lies to start wars, which conducted human syphilis experiments, and which has staged fake massacres as an excuse to attack our Second Amendment rights. There may even be a truck driving past right now, beaming mind-control rays directly into your home.

Whatever autonomous thought has survived mind-control, is under attack by deniers who mock those of us who are still able to think for ourselves. This is not personal in any way: I only write from an objective perspective. If anything I have written is not correct, show me the proof.

Comments | 12

  • Faraday Cage

    Listen to this man — he knows of what he speaks. B-T-W Mark where do I get a Faraday Cage? Does Walmart carry them?

    • Faraday Cages

      A Faraday cage is an enclosure formed by conductive material or by a mesh of such material, used to block electric and electromagnetic fields.

      Very simply, you can line your space (including doors and windows)using continuous metal window screening that’s connected to a proper ground. (Copper works best).

      I have built Faraday cages to protect sensitive electronic instruments from transients and other interference within a factory.

      The factory cages had to be of double wall construction with high voltage between the walls. More than you’re likely to need.

      If you really want to construct one, contact me.

      • What we are really dealing with here

        I’m beginning to think after seeing this “cage” that what we are really dealing with here is a mental health issue.
        There’s something not quite right about this article.

      • Too much odd mystery and uncanny parallels in this article

        Paid provocateurs
        Scornful mockery
        Covering her head (and other sensitive areas)
        The government’s failure to read her thoughts, or control her mind
        “There may even be a truck driving past right now, beaming mind-control rays directly into your home.”
        “There are always such people who deny science” –( that’s the opposite of those who usually say science doesn’t know everything)
        “… the truth can be found on hundreds of internet sites which offer irrefutable data”
        And this entire paragraph – “To deny that there are secret government programs to bombard us with harmful electromagnetic radiation and mind control, is nonsense. Why would the government poison us daily with chemtrails, yet refrain from bombarding us with harmful radiation?”

        “Whatever autonomous thought has survived mind-control, is under attack by deniers who mock those of us who are still able to think for ourselves.”

        And last, but not least, once again – “If anything I have written is not correct, show me the proof.”

        There’s too much odd mystery and uncanny parallels in this article, even a sense of copycat, somehow…

  • Life expectancy

    I have no doubt that excessive radio and electromagnetic technologies may have some harmful effects on our population. It is probably a matter of degree, though what that figure is I do not know. So I checked the life expectancy statistics in the USA to see if a lowering life expectancy was evident after RF’s and EMF technologies really took off after 1950.

    According to demographics from Berkeley. Edu the 1950 life expectancy in the USA was 65.6 for men and 71.1 for women. In 1998, the life expectancy in the USA was 73.8 for men and 79.5 for women. In 2011, the life expectancy in the USA was 76.3 for men and 81.3 for women.

    I can’t say whether increasing life expectancy correlates in any way with exposure to RF’s and EMF’s, but just to indicate that the life expectancy in the USA is rising, especially in light of the 1900 life expectancy in the USA when RF and EMF technologies were not prevalent in our country, was 46.3 for men and 48.3 for women.

    • Life Expectancy

      The writer raises an interesting point, but it has little or naught to do with EMFs or RFs (which, by the way are plural, not possessive, so it is incorrect for the writer to apostrophize them.)

      Because infant mortality has decreased due to hygiene and other modern innovations, the average life expectancy has technically gone up, but in reality it has been steadily decreasing for several thousands of years once you factor out the skewing of data due to infant mortality.

      Here are actual figures which prove it:

      Table 1. Ages of the Patriarchs from Adam to Noah

      Patriarch Age Bible Reference
      1 Adam 930 Genesis 5:4
      2 Seth 912 Genesis 5:8
      3 Enosh 905 Genesis 5:11
      4 Cainan 910 Genesis 5:14
      5 Mahalalel 895 Genesis 5:17
      6 Jared 962 Genesis 5:20
      7 Enoch 365 (translated) Genesis 5:23
      8 Methuselah 969 Genesis 5:27
      9 Lamech 777 Genesis 5:31
      10 Noah 950 Genesis 9:29

      During the 1,000 years following the Flood, however, the Bible records a progressive decline in the life span of the patriarchs, from Noah who lived to be 950 years old until Abraham at 175 (see table 1 and table 2). In fact, Moses was unusually old for his time (120 years) because, when he reflected on the brevity of life, he said: “The days of our lives are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they are eighty years, yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away” (Psalm 90:10).

      Table 2. Ages of the Patriarchs after Noah to Abraham

      Patriarch Age Bible Reference
      11 Shem 600 Genesis 11:10–11
      12 Arphaxad 438 Genesis 11:12–13
      13 Shelah 433 Genesis 11:14–15
      14 Eber 464 Genesis 11:16–17
      15 Peleg 239 Genesis 11:18–19
      16 Reu 239 Genesis 11:20–21
      17 Serug 230 Genesis 11:22–23
      18 Nahor 148 Genesis 11:24–25
      19 Terah 205 Genesis 11:32
      20 Abraham 175 Genesis 25:7

      RFs (not “RF’s”) and EMFs (not “EMF’s”) were insignificant back in the time of Shem through Abraham, so whatever the reason (and we can go into that at some other time) for the decreasing life expectancy, post-flood, it would be something other than artificially-produced radiation.

      • Apostrophe catastrophe

        When I first saw the George Salt comment on my (the writer) life expectancy comment I thought it was an elaborate joke. Of course, the criticism of my use of “plural, not possessive, so it is incorrect for the writer to apostrophize them” is quite a serious matter. (I failed third grade grammar, by the way, but “we can go into that at some other time”…)

        To quote human life expectancy from Genesis is no laughing matter, however, especially when anyone in today’s world talks about decreasing life expectancy post-flood, with a seemingly straight face, and stipulates “Here are actual figures which prove it,” you just know that this is not going to be a “burden of proof” discussion.

        • sick not dead

          When will people realize the trick is not to kill you but to keep you alive while medicating you as long as possible. Sick and alive that is where the profit is.

          • Chris Pratt gets it

            That is the whole point. Real life expectancy has gone down.

            It is not just that in ancient times people lived longer: They were vigorous. Keeping someone going with chemicals, eating manufactured packaged crap instead of real fruits and vegetables (which were given to us in Genesis 1:29 as our food), is hardly a triumph for modern “health” care.

          • Patterns

            Chris Pratt gets it. I don’t think you do George.

            Life expectancy is a mortality pattern for a given population. Your Genesis belief notwithstanding, life expectancy has been and is rising. Moreover, I note with genuine “disdain” that your biblical age chart does not include women. It figures.

  • Back on topic?

    “Thanks to these cautionary measures (ie., Faraday Shields), at no time has any government — foreign or domestic — succeeded in reading my thoughts or in mind control. This is more than I can say for many participants on this site.”

    As the quote from MT shows, this piece is actually related to protecting oneself from the government reading thoughts and mind-control.

    MT claims, no “government — foreign or domestic — succeeded in reading my thoughts or in mind control”

    Rhetorically, it makes want to ask why would the government want to read MT’s thoughts or control her mind? How many other people are having their minds read or controlled? What equipment is used to do that, or are government official telepathic?

    This article makes assertions that not cannot be validated.

  • Interesting parallel

    Check out the character “Chuck” in the series “Better Call Saul”, available on Netflix.

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Tin Hats

I am prudent enough to protect myself, and sensible enough not to be shamed out of it by scornful mockery. 

At times, ignorant people and paid provocateurs make fun of tin hats. In fact tin hats are obsolete technology — no one talks about them any more — other than to smear those of us who have the good sense to protect ourselves from EMFs, and other electromagnetic dangers. 

Although I have never worn a tin hat (except once when I tried on a museum antique) I do cover my head (and other sensitive areas) with a Faraday Shield. At night I sleep in a comfortable bed, which is enclosed in a Faraday Cage. This is no inconvenience at all: The cage consists of a silver mesh, which is fully embedded in the walls, so that my bedroom appears to be quite ordinary. 

Thanks to these cautionary measures, at no time has any government — foreign or domestic — succeeded in reading my thoughts or in mind control. This is more than I can say for many participants on this site.

I know that certain individuals, such as eschmitt, will take exception. There are always such people who deny science. Anyone who wants the truth can find hundreds of internet sites which offer irrefutable data. 

To deny that there are secret government programs to bombard us with harmful electromagnetic radiation and mind control, is nonsense. Why would the government poison us daily with chemtrails, yet refrain from bombarding us with harmful radiation? 

This is the same government which lies to start wars, which conducted human syphilis experiment, and which has staged fake massacres as an excuse to attack our Second Amendment rights. There may even be a truck driving past right now, beaming mind-control rays directly into your home.

Whatever autonomous thought has survived mind-control, is under attack by deniers who mock those of us who are still able to think for ourselves. This is not personal in any way: I only write from an objective perspective. If anything I have written is not correct, show me the proof.

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