Brattleboro Music Center Launches 
New “Healthy” Adult Daytime Programs

In March, the Brattleboro Music Center will begin offering a new series of adult education programs during the day. The adult daytime series launches with monthly music appreciation gatherings, a chorus for seniors, and a beginning adult violin class.

The launch of the BMC’s new adult daytime track is a direct response to the region’s decidedly older adult population, and the mounting evidence that engagement in music as we age has significant positive health benefits.

The reported benefits of involvement in music are wide ranging and broadly include elevating mood, relieving pain, reducing stress, improving long-term memory, create a sense of well-being, stimulating positive interactions, facilitating cognitive function, coordinating motor movements and boosting the immune system.

The developmental benefits of music study for children have been well documented for many years, but now significant findings are also available on the importance of music to our well being throughout our lives and especially as we age.

The BMC’s new adult daytime programs are structured for maximum accessibility, they require no previous musical experience to participate; and tuitions range between $5 and $10 per session.

“It is truly never too early or too late to start, and the best part is, you don’t have to be a ‘musician’ to enjoy the benefits of music,” says BMC Director Pam Lierle.  “Our goal is to create well-being by getting everyone listening, singing and playing.”

The new Music Appreciation monthly gatherings, featuring music and discussion, will take place on the 2nd Monday of each month from
1:30 – 3 pm at the BMC.   The series begins on March 10th with pianist Hugh Keelan and the music of Debussy & Wagner; on 
April 14 with Peter & Mary Alice Amidon sharing Traditional American Sacred Songs; and on May 12 with cellist Zon Eastes.  Music Appreciation Monthly’s are open to all, and adults are invited to drop in for one or all of the gatherings at just $5 per session at the door.

The BMC’s new Singing Strong Chorus, designed for seniors, will be led by choral director Susan Dedell.  Singing has been making big headlines in the health field for the last decade, as multiple studies conclude that singing in a group is one of the most effective ways to stay healthy, alert, and happy throughout the course of a lifetime.

Susan will lead everyone in songs chosen from a variety of musical styles, mostly from the great song repertoire of the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s. Absolutely no prior singing experience or music reading skills are necessary. 

The Singing Strong Chorus will meet on 
Tuesdays, from 1:30 – 2:30 pm, at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, which is fully accessible.  The first session runs from March 4 – April 8; and the second session from April 22-May 27.  Tuition is $35 per 6-week session.  Advance registration is required.

The Adult Beginning Violin Class, is for true beginners interested in “trying out” an instrument.  The ever patient and enthusiastic Michelle Liechti will lead this first series of adult instrument classes on Thursdays, from 11am-12 pm, starting March 6, at the BMC. Tuition for 5 sessions is $50 and loaner violins are available.  

 “It is such a gift to have opportunities to learn something new and expand throughout out lives,” said Lierle. “We hope many people will take advantage of this new adult daytime track and reap the benefits.”

registration and additional information about the adult daytime programs, and the BMC’s programs for all ages, contact the Brattleboro Music Center at 802-257-4523 or visit

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