Chemtrails Photo Contest – $500 First Place Prize

The Reluctant Activist is pleased to announce the only photo contest of its kind in America.

Beginning May 1 thru June 30th, 2016, The Reluctant Activist will be accepting (JPEG/JPG only) untouched amateur Chemtrail photos.

Contest Rules

1. All submittals must be untouched JPEG/JPG files and clearly stamped for time and date

2. No submittals will be accepted after midnight EST June 30, 2016

3. All submittals should go to

4. All submittals should include contact information for the award, (name and email at a minimum — address and phone number would be a help)

5. The winner will be publicly acknowledged with a photo and a check for $500 on July 29, 2016

6. Amateur photos only

Selection Criteria (in order of priority)

1. Proof the photo is untouched

2. Clarity of the photo

3. Number of trails

4. Number of trails dissipating into clouds

5. Number of airplanes

Note : We will utilize IZITRU photo analysis software to verify the authenticity of photos submitted.

Comments | 6

  • What a nice photo of water

    What a nice photo of water vapor/condensation/ice.

    Will photos of people exhaling outdoors in cold temperatures count?

    • If you're thinking it's water

      Then you need your head examined. You’re being sprayed like a bug you fool. And you’re denying your own eyes. Whoever’s doing it, must be loving the fact that you’re loving it too.

      • So do you buy your tinfoil

        So do you buy your tinfoil hats from a tin-foil hat shop or do you DIY it and make your own?

        How can you be certain you can trust the source of the tin foil? Just because it *says* its aluminum doesn’t mean the government hasn’t substituted it with something else, something far more sinister.

        • Actually I use discernment

          something many people have lost because they choose to rely on ideology. That’s what science mainly is today. I guess I have to qualify it because of your lack of discernment, you’ll distort everything that hasn’t got a long list of qualification. Science is made up of scientists, whom I do not trust implicitly. They are in conflict themselves and the story of the big bang, wow, what a whopper. Yet many question it not because…well…because it’s science.

  • Definitions?

    Photos of the differences:

    >>Definition of a contrail: A contrail occurs when a plane travels at a high altitude (about 30,000 ft. or more) and compresses the air into a water vapor or ice crystals through jet engines or the wing tips pushing through the air. This trail disappears after a minute or so due to evaporation, because it’s water. This is normal.

    >>Definition of a chemtrail: The term “chemtrail” is a relatively new word, which appeared in the last ten years or more with the appearance of chemtrails. A chemtrail is not normal.

    A chemtrail is very different from a contrail. At first a chemtrail might look a bit like a contrail. However, instead of disappearing like a contrail does, a chemtrail just keeps spreading out and forming a hazy cloud bank. These trails traverse the whole sky and stay for up to around five or even eight hours. They have been known to turn what was originally a clear blue sky into a grey haze.

    It is believed chemtrails are composed at least in part by an oil based substance of unknown content that is actually being sprayed from jets on populated areas. It has also been found that some chemtrails contain unknown biological components. Many also contain metals, especially barium. (See

    No one knows why they are being sprayed, or who is doing it. All we do know that it is being done to us regularly, in many different countries, without our permission. One strange thing about chemtrails is that all though they are readily seen, few people will believe that they are not ‘normal’!

    Chemtrails are often seen to be sprayed by white planes with no markings. Sometimes you will see these planes give off no contrail at all, and immediately after the same kind of plane in the same area will start to leave a thick chemtrail. At other times, distinct short gaps in chemtrails have been photographed, as though the plane ran out of chemicals and then had to start spraying with a new supply.

    • "A chemtrail is very

      “A chemtrail is very different from a contrail.”

      Yes, contrails actually exist.

      “It is believed….”

      By scientifically illiterate, ignorant loons.

      “All we do know that it is being done to us regularly, in many different countries, without our permission. ”

      I’m not saying aliens, but aliens.

      ” Sometimes you will see these planes give off no contrail at all, and immediately after the same kind of plane in the same area will start to leave a thick chemtrail”

      I know right, its like the atmosphere has variations in temperature and humidity or something…

      If you are posting this seriously, you have lost all credibility.

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