
For the brave few who listen to me I have been ensconced behind my computer developing a new website based on the principles of Free Speech. In doing so I came across the best video I have ever seen that describes Predatory Capitalism and does so in just over 2 minutes!

Don’t get me wrong I am not opposed to capitalism; I founded and ran my own software company for years. I am huge believer in SMALL business. What I am opposed to are the MEGA CORPORATIONS – you know the ones that pay Congress to write laws that Media never questions – the laws that makes them richer and the poor, poorer – those corporate giants that cashed in their morality for profits a long time ago.

Now there is a question. If corporations are now people perhaps we can sue the shareholders for the crimes they commit?

Sorry I digress. Watch this clip produced by John Perkins author of the New York Times BESTSELLER
“Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.” It is definitely worth watching.

Comments | 12

  • Thanks. Chris

    Perkins has an amazing way of distilling reality into a 2 minute video. I’ve heard him speak in Keene and Mt. Snow, and he takes an hour and a half to say in person what he does very well in this short film clip.
    Note to Mr. Mike: Don’t watch this. It will spoil your whole day.

    • Capitalism is ok?

      Even the author said he doesn’t think capitalism is the problem. But he does fail to point to the real problem…. Sin.

  • Surprise Surprise

    I would accuse everyone of sin….. first and foremost myself.

    • A Brief History of Sin and Big Business

      Barter and commerce are long with us in our history, long before the Jukrislim concept of “sin” as it originates in Genesis. Sin was invented by the patriarchs to put women in their place, hence the fabrication of sin originating with “Eve” as the culprit. The patriarchs also used the “bleeding time” of women to accuse them of being unclean which equated sin in their eyes.

      The denigration of women was the true advent of the “good ole boys.” However, it wasn’t until christianity became the dominate European white culture that the monasteries became centers of the community life.

      In order to indemnify the good ole boys who oftentimes abused their position of ecclesiastical authority, the roman church invented the “corporation” to protect the churchmen, monasteries and church properties from being liable for their wrongful actions that resulted in harm to the populace (including sexual predators).

      When some friars and deacons did nasty things to people, it was this legal sham of protection against being held liable for church wrongdoing that gave rise to the slow but sure ascendancy of corporate power as it extended into the secular world.

      Mr.Mike may indeed be a sinner, “first and foremost.” Since there is no thing as sin or sinners it’s easy to call yourself and/or everyone else something that exists only in your own mind.

  • "Can we sue the shareholders for the crimes they commit?"

    Now, back to Chris’ article and central question…

    The question does come up in Google search:

    One comment online says:
    “Because in the eyes of the law, the legal entity is the corporation, not the individual.. The individual does not carry out the business of the corporation, the corp. (and its Board of Directors) does. If you want to sue the shareholders, let’s also sue the employees for working at these companies since they are the ones physically making the products that provide the profits for the corporations. Let’s also sue the states for allowing these companies to register for business in the state. And don’t forget the suppliers who provide the raw materials for the corporations to produce these dangerous products. Have I forgotten anyone? Oh, how about suing all the customers, since if they didn’t buy these companies’ products, the company would go broke and be out of business. Let’s just make everyone legally liable for everything anyone does…”

    This is one example how the intentionally complex corporate laws are set up to keep the 99% at bay. You do indeed need lawyers if you go anywhere near a corporation, more or less… While “”creating jobs”” is the big hard sell, isn’t it really all meant to be about money, power, control, influence through “ownership.”

    • No Sin No Crime.

      How can we commit crimes if there’s no such thing as sin. Our laws are based on a moral code or principles. It really all does boil down to the ten commandments whether you believe it or not.

      • In your own primitive vernacular

        Just because you believe that crime equates sin does not mean that modern jurisprudence, as established by common law, agrees with you. Neither does individual belief in sin equate crime.

        I’m not trying to peg you mr.mike but it must take a fairly primitive mindset for any human in today’s modern world to really “believe it or not” that “all does boil down to the ten commandments.“

        In your own primitive vernacular, “god help you all” if we can’t get humans to move away from and beyond Jukrislims who believe like you do. I’ll take a good logical, critical thinker any day, over a host of belief-dependent people.

      • The secular depths of despair caused by the mega “corpse”

        The obsession of wealth, influence and power exercised by the mega “corpse” (as I call them) that Chris and Perkins are referring to, is not as simplistic as you try to make it out.

        The secular depths of despair the poor suffer through for eons are rooted, not in alleged “sin,” but in the uneducated minds being taken advantage of by the few of predatory wealth and power who thrive without conscience. A lack of belief dogmatic religious moral principles has nothing to do with it.

        Believers are always the easiest to fool…and there are too many of them still in our world who get in the way of the critical thinking that Chris and many other commonsense advocates have frequently written about.

      • Objective vs. subjective reality

        LETTER BOX
        Objective vs. subjective reality

        Editor of the Reformer:

        Perhaps someone can explain to the Supreme Court’s five conservative justices the differences between objective and subjective reality. Objective reality is that which all of us can agree exists (i.e. trees, stars, the sun, humans, etc.). Subjective reality is that which has been created by humans as a vehicle (i.e. government, religion, corporations, etc.).

        These entities are not universally true and exist only in the minds of those people embracing them. Therefore calling corporations or religions “people” has no basis in objective reality and should be treated as purely subjective. To treat corporations as people is an obscene perversion and should no longer be an accepted procedure.

        The same is true of religion because for it to be objective, all humanity would agree on the same faith as a matter of acceptance.

        David L. Fagelson,


      • Which Ten?

        The commandments are not numbered in the Bible.
        Various denominations number them differently. Catholics conveniently ignore the one about graven images. They double up on coveting to make the numbers come out.

        (Short Version, In English, as commonly accepted by most Protestants)

        1. I am the Lord thy God… Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
        2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images.
        3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
        4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
        5. Honor thy father and thy mother.
        6. Thou shalt not kill.
        7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
        8. Thou shalt not steal.
        9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
        10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house.

        (The version commonly accepted by Roman and Orthodox Catholics and some Lutherans)

        1. I am the Lord thy God…Thou shalt not have strange gods before me
        2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
        3. Remember, keep holy the Lord’s Day
        4. Honor thy father and mother
        5. Thou shalt not kill
        6. Thou shalt not commit adultery
        7. Thou shalt not steal
        8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor
        9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife
        10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods

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