Reformer Comics

I see the Reformer added more comics…but no more page space…time to get out the magnifying glass.  Somehow I’m not surprised.

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  • More about the comics

    This is an ancient post that came up when I put “comics “in the search bar of ibrattleboro. I was wondering if I was the only one left who reads the comics and maybe does some of the puzzles in the local paper?
    I have been getting the Reformer since I came to Vermont in the mid eighties.

    About the comics.
    I still want to know, does anyone else care?
    Personally, I think that the comics page are the reason I keep getting the paper.
    All of the various news, ads and human interest stories are good, informative but…
    I actually look forward to sitting down, focusing on the daily routine of puzzles and comics.
    I admit, I don’t like all of the puzzles or all of the comics.
    I thought it was a mistake when Non-Sequitur was dropped from the line-up of many newspapers.
    I would rather re-read Calvin & Hobbes and Doonesbury then some of the comics that are there now. In fact, another whole page for comics, puzzles, TV guide maybe and Dear Abby too, would be fine with me!

    Now, I can’t even remember what offense (something anti Trump) caused some media to discontinue Non-Sequitur but, if there is anyone who reads this who feels that Non-Sequitur should be re-instated in the Brattleboro Reformer, please, contact them and tell them so!

  • Comics, even more…

    I wrote in the spring of 2020 about the state of the comics and puzzles in my local newspaper.
    I admit I was disappointed when no one replied or showed any interest and that my opinions were ignored. Not only by the paper itself, but by everyone on this forum, but that was the point, that no one really gave a …., cared about the comics and puzzles anyway.
    Now the paper is delivered online unless you pay to have it mailed so it is not delivered in the morning anymore by dedicated paper deliverers who literally risked their lives doing it so, maybe that’s a good thing.
    I do still like getting an actual local newspaper though, and I want it to continue being published if only to have scrap paper at hand but I am guessing that the number’s don’t add up as to the value of scrap paper.🙂

  • Thanks for bringing it up again

    Remember when the Reformer employed an editorial cartoonist on staff? Not so long ago!

    I’ve been disappointed by comics sections of papers for a long time. Washington Post, decades ago, was great – they had a comics section plus editorial page cartoons. Boston Globe, Buffalo News, and most big city papers… great Sunday cartoon sections, too.

    I find a few comics online these days, but it isn’t the same. It was always fun to be able to rip a cartoon from the pages to hang on the wall or cubicle.

    Delivering papers was a reliable job for kids at one time. Then it was a reliable job for someone with a car who liked early hours. It will be interesting if/when mail becomes privatized and costs go up.

    We still have a crosswords puzzle here every day:

    You may have to switch to free papers and ad circulars to use for paint spills, fire starting, and bird cages. : )

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