In celebration of Women’s History Month, Brattleboro AAUW presents: The Theatrical, Eccentric, Flamboyant Madame Sherri, a talk by Eric Stanway on Tues., March 17 at 7 p.m. at the Brattleboro Historical Society History Center at the Masonic Temple, 196 Main St., Brattleboro.
Stanway is author of “Madame Sherri: The Special Edition,” an expanded biography of the diva of the 20’s who scandalized the locals for years before succumbing to poverty and dying in a Brattleboro boarding house, leaving her castle in the woods of West Chesterfield, N.H., to crumble to ruins.
Stanway is a writer, artist and musician who has authored more than 15 books of New England history, including Mysteries of Monadnock, The Old Rindge House, Haunted Hillsborough County, The Victorian, and Mad Ghosts and Englishmen.
Event is free and open to all.
– Brattleboro AAUW
Castle In The Woods
Sounds like a book I’ll have to read.
Wasn’t the Madam known for driving around town in a fancy car?
She was. From all accounts
She was. From all accounts she was quite the character; flamboyant; outspoken;someone who enjoyed the good life.Until her family had her institutionalized, of course. One of our family’s favorite places to go in good weather is Madame Sherri’s Forest in Chesterfield – about a 10 minute ride.My grandson loves to go there and look for “treasures” (which-when you’re 4 or 5 can really be anything!) Our family with 2 other families had a spectacular Easter Egg hunt there last year. Beautiful spot for taking photographs- partial stone walls; hiding places; the remains of what was once her wine cellar; crumbling stone pathways. It’s pretty magical -even with the empty beer bottles you sometimes come across.It’s a really special , well hidden place.
Her Fur
Definitely one of the must-visit locations in the area.
The story I heard was that she would drive through town in her fancy car, wearing noting but a fur coat.
I read that also. And that
I read that also. And that she had her “castle” built in such a secluded area so she could throw huge, decadent parties – with hundreds of guests that lasted for days. It must have been quite an experience to be in her inner circle of friends. Sad that she came to such a diminished end.