150 Years Ago (1864 6/10)

Washington, June 10, 1864.

Dearest Abiah,

Here yet. Had expected to have been examined today, but shall not probably be before Monday. It may be
put off until a later day. I will let you know Monday night. I have seen Charles Wilder from the 10th Regt. Co. K. He was wounded on Friday last. He says Zopher was then well. This is the last news that Jacob or I have heard. Wilder’s arm is pretty well ploughed up. It struck near the elbow, and went up to the shoulder, but it is a flesh wound. He is going to Philadelphia in the morning, came in yesterday. He is in Columbia, but Jacob would not have seen him if I had not found him. Lucien Piper is killed, so Wilder says. Some of our Brattleboro boys are back here in Hospitals. But one of our old Company B has been killed and one wounded, though they have been fighting all the time. The one wounded was shot through the calf of the leg. The other Company have had several men wounded, but none dangerously.

Now I must tell what I have been about today. Yesterday I went to the Emery Hospital, to see Henry Campbell, and there I found Miss Eva Lawrence from Charleston had just come there, pretty much tired as you may suppose. At five o’clock I went to Mr. Baxter’s rooms and saw her well taken care of, and this morning Mrs. Baxter sent a man off to find a place for her to stop. She will take good care of Henry and many other wounded men. I went with her this morning to the Christian Commission and got two pillows one for a little Michigan boy that had his arm cut off, it is a little thing to put between arm and body. Saw her to a street car, and then Mrs. Baxter sent me off with a big basket, and money to get it full of strawberries, and she went another way with another basket to fill with oranges, lemons, cakes, etc. and wanted me to meet her at Carver Hospital. Had a good time up there. Took a good dinner at the Surgeons mess with Dr. Bowker, saw Chester Wheeler, Alden’s son. If you see any of his folks, there is some pieces of bones in his arm yet, and he is to have them taken out this afternoon. One bone is doing well. He is a little anxious, but Bowker says that he will keep his arm, but it will not get well until those pieces are out. Mrs. Baxter came around, and we went from ward to ward until the goodies were all peddled out. In the trip found Charles Wilder, Jo Brainard is wounded. Don’t know where he is, probably at Alexandria. If I stay here I shall find him. Sam Uttin and Joel Williams are probably around here somewhere. Henry Newcomb hunted all the time he had to spare, but could not find them. I have been looking too today, but I must close. Bowker is doing well. He is getting along pretty well. Has to work hard. They are expecting a new lot in about this time. I am well. I am somewhat nervous about that board. I must close. Ain’t I a good boy to write. I wish you could kiss me for it. Give my love to all. I have heard from mother by way of Jane Kingsley to Henry Newcomb.

Your own,


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