WSESU Reorganizational Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2025

In person at WRCC Cusick Room and via Zoom
Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Present: Anne Beekman, Kerry Amidon, Kim Price, Brian Remer, Deborah Stanford
Also present: Superintendent Mark Speno
Via Zoom: Brandy Levesque, Tim Maciel

CALL TO ORDER—6:00 p.m. – Meeting called to order by Superintendent Speno.

A. Nominations/Election of Board Chair Anne Beekman

The Chair continued the meeting from this point.

B. Nominations/Election of Board Vice-Chair Kerry Amidon
C. Nominations/Election of Board Clerk Kerry Amidon
D. Establish Meeting Days/Time 2nd Wednesday of month, 5:00 p.m.

The chair discussed the SU board’s use of Robert’s Rules of Order for small boards and the board agreed to continue.

On a motion by Kim Price, the board voted to approve the consent agenda as presented.

The Superintendent recommended the hiring of Harley Sterling as the SU’s new (and first) Food Nutrition Director. This comes after a search and hiring committee made up of district stakeholders including staff, parents, and board members.

On a motion by Kerry Amidon the board approved the hiring of Harley Sterling as the WSESU Food Nutrition Director.

Mark presented the board with documents detailing our SU’s current system of Supervision, Observation & Evaluation for certified staff. New teachers are evaluated during their 1st and 2nd years and then afterwards on a 3 year cycle. A committee was created including members of the Curriculum office, BAMS and BUHS personnel as well as representatives from the elementary schools so that there was a full Pre-K – 12 lens on this issue. The committee is proposing a newly formatted template that will be discussed at the April Admin meeting. The intent is to create a common structure that can be used across all schools. Once feedback is received Mark and the team will make edits and then update the Board as needed. It is anticipated that this new format will be used in the school year starting this August. Additionally the new format includes the creation of personal goals for all staff more tightly aligned with our Continuous Improvement Plan.

There was no Public Comment.

On a motion by Deborah Stanford, the board voted to approve the following policies:
● E14 Environmental Awareness and Responsibility
● F26 Participation of Home Study Students in School Programs and Activities
● F42 Student Dress Code

Tim Maciel questioned the omission from the January 8th minutes of a policy suggestion he had made. Kerry Amidon brought up the minutes and read the notation stating that the board reviewed the policy and the chair updated the board on the steps she has taken as noted in the minutes to collect feedback and get legal advice.

Presented for a second reading:
● G1 Curriculum Development and Coordination
● G13 Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources and the Internet

Presented for a first reading:
● C3 Public Participation at Board Meetings (Adopted by WSESD 01/28/2025)
● D6 Substitute Teachers (Adopted by WSESD 01/28/2025)

The chair gave an overview of the work of the SU Board including Food Services, Special Education, Transportation, Curriculum and the hiring and evaluation of the Superintendent.

Next meeting: April 9th at 5 pm.

On a motion by Kerry Amidon, the board voted to adjourn the meeting at 6:32 pm.

Notes respectfully submitted,
Kerry Amidon

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