Windham Southeast School District Board Windham & Southeast School Union Board Special Board Meeting Minutes

Note: These proposed minutes should be considered preliminary until they are approved by the board at a future meeting.

Joint Meeting of the Windham Southeast School District Board Windham & Southeast School Union Board
Special Board Meeting

6:00 p.m. on Monday, February 24, 2025 –
in person and remotely via Zoom in the Auditorium at the

Brattleboro Union High School.
Respective (WSESU, WSESD) Board Members Present
Shaun Murphy (SM), Anne Beekman (AB), Deborah Stanford (DS), Matt Schibley (MS),
Kim Price (KP), Colleen Savage (CS), Ruby McAdoo (RM), Tim Maciel (TM), Brian
Remer (BR), Jessica Everlith (JE)
Staff and administration present
Mark Speno, Eileen Hayes Arama, Brandy Levesque, Keith Lyman, Jennifer Course,
Kerri Beebe, jgagnon, Whitney Lynde, Viki Caruso, Henry Zackinni, Sam Patrick, Ricky
Davidson, Julianne Eagan
Others present
BCTV, Kelly Young, Kim, John’s iPhone, anne, Beth Bristol, Brian Y, Chris Mays, David
Erickson, Deborah Brown, Don McLean, EBaisan, Eileen Parks, Ellen’s iPhone, Evelyn
McLean, Flo Levin, Jane W- Vermont, Janemellow, Jess DeCarolis, Jodi Nutting, John
Tirbuna, John’s iPhone, Kate, Kim, Kris Nelson, Laura Chapman, Liz Adams, Maria, Mary
Gannon, NGoodhue, Nicholas Polidor, The Everlith Family, Jess DeCarolis,
Kristinggottschalk, nerdymartini, Maria, Summer, rebeccaolmstead, S. Chaney, Kerry
Amidon, Renee, Tylor Chase, Ellen Strong, Molly Lasko, hannah, Erin Tkaczyk, Emma
Hallowell, Cynthia Nordmeyer, Claudia,, Caitlin Deschenes-Desmond, Alison, Aaron Howe,
Maureen, Martha, Jessa Harger, ginny, Talls iPhone 16, Nicoal Price, M Simms, kate
o’connor, Junio Anthes-Moody, Joann Tyler, Emily Armbricht, Deb Maynard, Judy
Robinson, mstoner, Virginia Goodman, Emily’s iPhone, Kristina Naylor, John Doty, Francis
Sopper, Matthew Young, Kelly Young, Merril Barton, Ruth Barton, Jessica Nelson, Esther
Adams, Ross Momaney, Leigh Niland, Rick Zamore, Jody Normandeau, Linda Vakaros,
Sara MacKinnon, Jocelyn Fritts, Sean McLoughlin, Martha Noyes, Leland Dale Wilson,
Patrick Ackerman Hsici, Jude Anders, Tessa Anders, Abi Healey, Samantha Thatcher,
Michelle Green, Levi Green, Gilbert Green, Lydia Mathewson, Bex Slattery, Craig
Miscovich, Mathew Wojcik, Rosemary Wojcik Cassie McLaren, Henry Zacchini, Rachel
Glickman, Chris Nesbitt, Leah Bratton, Katie Wilson, iPhone (262), Nancy Heydinger,
Jerelyn Wilson, Bethany Ranquist
Mollie Burke Nader Hashim Dan MacArthur Emilie Kornheiser Henry Zacchini


I. Call to Order

II. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items [6:05-6:15]

None Noted at this time

III. Purpose of tonight’s Special Board Meeting

DS reviewed Board Norms

Introduction of invited Legislators and other guests

IV. Overview of Governor Scott’s “Education Transformation Proposal: a proposed reform of Vermont’s current system of education and funding.”

Dan McArthur Rural School Alliance gave an overview of the Governor’s proposal for educational reforms and gave remarks on behalf of the rural school alliance.

Emilie Kornheiser also gave remarks regarding educational reform proposal and various funding mechanisms

Nader Hasheem gave comments regarding proposed structural reforms.

DS Noted that AOE administration was invited to this meeting but that they would not attend in person, preferring to have concerns and questions forwarded to them.

Notice from the VSBA 1/23/2025 with links to reform structure proposal

V. Discussion: questions, comments, and suggestions from attendees.

*** For a full accounting of the discussion this evening please see BCTV recording of the meeting. ***

VI. Adjourn



Minutes respectfully submitted on 2/25/2025 by WSESD Board Clerk

A recording of this meeting is available on the WSESU website

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