Windham Southeast Supervisory Union School Board
Minutes — December 4, 2024
Via ZOOM only
Directors present: Anne Beekman, Kerry Amidon, Shaun Murphy, Deborah Stanford, Tim Maciel
Also present: Mark Speno, Brandy Levesque, Frank Rucker, Jemez Jobin, Jodi Nutting, Kevin Drury, Whitney Lynde, Tate Erickson.
CALL TO ORDER—5:05 p.m. — Anne Beekman
On a motion by Deborah Stanford, the board approved the Consent Agenda as presented.
Public Comment – there was none
Administrative Report – There were no new hires, resignations or retirements to announce.
Mark updated the group on the food service committee’s work on potentially developing our own program. The committee is working to come up with a cost analysis and more information will follow shortly. Mark and Frank Rucker will be meeting again with Chris Faro to progress monitor the current system.
Frank gave an update on the proposal for electric buses. Our SU requires 18 buses and we were placed on a waiting list for the first round. Vernon was awarded 3 buses but we can’t move forward as infrastructure costs are not feasible for a partial fleet. The next round begins in January and the next determination is in May.
On a motion by Deborah Stanford the board approved the warrants and payroll as present.
Frank gave an overview of the special education budget for our 10 sites including pre-K. The current draft shows an increase of 5.9% driven by student needs (up $1.1 million). The single largest cost driver is associated with tuition costs for students that we are not able to educate in our schools. In the area of salary and benefits, the cost driver is the increase in health insurance costs.
Tate Erickson and his team have been working hard to refine the budget to be lean and efficient but have capacity for new students moving in. He walked through the number of students as well as staff to student ratios. These numbers are expected to be finalized tomorrow and will be posted. Tate discussed both the ratios for both students in our area schools and those requiring out of district placements.
It was noted that we are fully staffed in our SU and our ratios may appear lower than those districts with openings.
The Board discussed how we can best explain both the need and the cost to the public when it comes time to vote.
Frank walked through the assessment methodology for the multiple parts of the special education budget expenditures.
Looking ahead, the board will next be discussing food services. Baseline recommendation will be in the draft budget document as well as an analysis of alternatives.
Policy – Presented for a second reading:
● WSESU D1 Personnel Recruitment, Selection, Appointment and Background Checks
● WSESU D2 Professional Development
● WSESU D4 Educator Supervision and Evaluation: Probationary Teachers Contracts
Future contract negotiations (tabled from 11.20.24) – Tim discussed arguments for a new form of contract negotiations. After discussion the board will consider a new policy and Tim offered to write a draft to cover Superintendent contract negotiations and evaluation.
Presented for a first reading:
● WSESU F4 Searches, Seizures, and Interrogation of Students by School Personnel (adopted by WSESD 8-13-24)
● WSESU F5 Searches, Seizures, and Interrogation of Students by Law Enforcement Personnel or Other Non-School Personnel (adopted by WSESD 8-13-24)
● WSESU F22 Student Assessment (adopted by WSESD 4-9-24)
On a motion by Deborah Stanford the board voted to enter Executive Session under 1 VSA 313 (A) (3) appointment or evaluation of a public officer at 6:44 pm.
The board rose from Executive Session at 7:35 with no action taken.
On a motion by Kerry Amidon, the board voted to adjourn at 7:35 pm.