Windham Southeast Supervisory Union School Board Meeting Minutes Dec 11, 2024

Windham Southeast Supervisory Union School Board

Minutes — December 11, 2024
In person and via ZOOM only

Directors present: Anne Beekman, Kerry Amidon, Tim Maciel, Shaun Murphy, Deborah Stanford
Also present: Mark Speno, Frank Rucker, Rachel Glickman, Steve Hed, Sarah Rosow, Susan
Grabowski, Sheila Humpreys, Chris Faro, Katie Morrison, Stephanie Bonin, Ricky Davidson
(Zoom participants as of 6:10 p.m. at the end of these minutes.)

CALL TO ORDER—6:12 p.m. — Anne Beekman
On a motion by Deborah Stanford, the board approved the Consent Agenda as presented.

Public Comment – there was none

Administrative Report – Mark prefaced the upcoming discussion on food services. Chris Faro, VP of Fresh PIcks Cafe gave an update on staffing, noting they are full staffed with the exception of a new position which will be an additional cashier as well as someone to handle daily food runs. The Fresh Picks team is working on the January menu which will include an increased number and variety of vegetarian choices. Chris discussed the distribution challenges in offering Halal meals and that solutions are being investigated. Delays in adding new vendors to the Farm to School program are being worked out and the hope is to have Miller Farm milk served at Vernon Elementary. Chris expects to have the numbers for local purchasing percentages available to the board at our January meeting.

Susan Grabowski discussed a proposal to move the WSESU to an independent nutrition program. An ad hoc committee has been meeting and created the proposal that was distributed.

The plan aims for a higher quality nutrition program, increased connections to local producers, and builds a sustainable program that integrates with the local economy. The proposal would add 2 district wide positions; a school nutrition director and an assistant director. These positions would be in charge of planning the menus, as well as hiring, training and managing staff. There would be site leads at each school and other part-time or full time staff helping out based on school population.

Ad hoc committee members and member of the public spoke in favor of the proposal including Rebecca Olmstead who read a statement on behalf of the district nurses.

On a motion by Tim Maciel, the board unanimously voted to accept the proposal of the ad hoc committee of the WSESU Farm to School Team to fully transition to an independent food nutrition program by June 2025.

Frank walked the board through the most recent draft of the FY26 budget which includes all previously discussed topics as well as the new food service recommendation. Questions from the board were answered.

On a motion by Shaun Murphy moved that the WSESU board accept and approve the budget as presented in the amount $32,028,031.

On a motion by Tim Maciel the board adopted the following policies:
● B1 Board Member Education
● G8 Continuous Improvement Plan
● H2 Family Engagement Policy

The following policies were presented for a second reading:
● F4 Searches, Seizures, and Interrogation of Students by School Personnel
● F5 Searches, Seizures, and Interrogation of Students by Law Enforcement Personnel or Other Non-School Personnel
● F22 Student Assessment

The following policies were presented for a first reading:
● E14 Environmental Awareness and Responsibility (adopted by WSESD 08/13/2024)
● F26 Participation of Home Study Students in School Programs and Activities (adopted by WSESD 05/28/2024)
● F42 Student Dress Code (adopted by WSESD 07/25/2023)

As with all policies, board members are encouraged to ask any questions of the Policy Committee.

The board discussed upcoming meetings. As the budget was passed tonight, there will not be a full WSESU Board meeting next Wednesday.

On a motion by Kerry Amidon, the board voted to adjourn at 8:16 pm.

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