Windham Southeast Supervisory Union Board Meeting Agenda

Windham Southeast Supervisory Union Board

53 Green Street, Brattleboro VT 05301


The Windham Southeast Supervisory Union Board will meet at 5:00 PM on
Wednesday, September 11. 2024 in the Windham Regional Career Center, Cusick
Conference Room, 80 Atwood St., Brattleboro, and remotely via Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 885 1787 6782 Passcode: 6zbq7s
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I Call to order Anne Beekman, chair
Any board member may request that any item be removed from the Consent Agenda if it warrants further discussion. Said item will be removed. Please make the request at this time.

II Superintendent evaluation
– Guest – Sandra Cameron, VSBA

III Consent Agenda
– Approval of Minutes 8.14.24
– Warrants & Payrolls:

Warrant of August 14, 2024

MV Liaison Purchasing Card Pmnt of 7/15/24 $ 513.41
Warrant No. 1026 in the amount of $ 2,100.43
Warrant No. 1027 in the amount of $ 2075.45
Warrant No. 1028 in the amount of $ 1,032,980.30
Warrant No. 1032 in the amount of $ 20,988.51
Warrant No. 1033 in the amount of $ 1,383.24
Warrant No. 1034 in the amount of $ 214,900.45
Total Accounts Payable $ 1,274,941.39

Payrolls August 9, 2024 $ 622,453.51
Warrant of August 28, 2024
Warrant No. 1035 in the amount of $ 1,154.97
Warrant No. 1036 in the amount of $ 61,738.94
Warrant No. 1043 in the amount of $ 60,313.26
Warrant No. 1044 in the amount of $ 300.00
Warrant No. 1045 in the amount of $ 43,028.76
Total Accounts Payable $ 106,535.93

Payrolls June 28, 2024 $ 586,512.96
Warrant No. 1024 in the amount of $ 170.14
Warrant No. 1025 in the amount of $ 73,359.72
Total Accounts Payable $ 614,885.51
Payrolls July 26, 2024 $ 586,865.90

IV Public Comment on non-agenda items

V Finance
– Finance report
– Board representatives to Contract Negotiation team

VI Administrative Report
– Back to school report
– New hires/resignations/retirements

VII New Business
– Resume board authority for hiring
– Vermont School Boards Insurance Trust (VSBIT) Annual Meeting 10.25.24 ACTION REQUIRED
– Board calendar

VIII Old Business
Policy Presented for adoption:
WSESU F41 Policy on Section 504 and ADA

IX Executive Session
1 V.S.A. § 313 (a)(7) The academic records or suspension or discipline of students
1 V.S.A. § 313 (a)(1)(A) Contracts

X Other Business

XI Adjourn

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